The 2022 Oscars Fan Favorite and Cheer Moment Awards were reportedly Manipulated by Zack Snyder fans’ Automated Twitter bots

The big news has been shed by stating that Zack Snyder won the Oscars and though the credits for this go to the bots as the word is out that it was rigged. Zack Snyder’s Justice League has stood out to makeover a big impact as it delivered a big storyline which the viewers and … Read more

The Flash Movie is rumored to erase whatever is left of the Snyderverse

The big update has been cast through currently for which all the DC fans are preparing themselves for as the rumors suggest that The Flash movie shall be erased whatever is left out of the Snyderverse. The Zack Snyder era has no doubt been the biggest one in the storyline and mentioning the part that … Read more

The Warner Bros. and Discovery Merger have raised hopes for the revival of the Snyderverse – Is it happening?

The big news is running through at the time as there have been reports suggesting that the Snyderverse could actually be revived after all. The Snyderverse portrayed a great story that all the DC fans and viewers loved to cover and mentioned the part that there has always been a kind of hurdle to this … Read more

Thanos actor Josh Brolin almost played Batman in the Snyderverse and wishes to play an Older Batman in the future

We are here to share the big controversy as Josh Brolin expressed his thoughts on playing the Batman as he was almost in the role in Batman Vs Superman and the fans are finding it totally big. Josh Brolin had a wonderful career at the time and the personality is famously known for his role … Read more

Gal Gadot and Ray Fischer share their Worst Experience during Justice League Reshoots, Joss Whedon REACTS

Introduction At last, Joss Whedon has given his response publicly for the first time, regarding the complaints of misconduct on the sets of the DC Extended Universe movie Justice League. In an interview that was published in New York magazine on Monday, Whedon publicly addressed the allegations that were made by the stars of the … Read more

Is the long overdue Superman Reboot with a black Kal-El happening in 2023 under Zack Snyder’s Direction?

Superman reboot has been in cue for over years now! Yes, we saw Superman as “Man of Steel” from the view of Zack Snyder. But the tale didn’t match up with Superman’s character. The fans have recently witnessed a clip of the Batman reboot. Now, the audience is looking forward to seeing a reboot version … Read more

Joss Whedon TAKES A DIG on Gal Gadot’s Israeli accent during Justice League Controversy

Gal Gadot is famous for her role as Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe as well as in Justice League. She received tons of praise for her acting and brilliant portrayal of the character of Wonder Woman. However, Joss Whedon took a dig at her and made a little joke about her accent. Let’s … Read more