Update: On 1 May, 2023 we did a major changes to our editorial board and made changes to our editorial process to ensure accuracy and unbiased reporting.
At Doms2Cents, we are committed to providing accurate, relevant, and unbiased news and information to our readers. Our editorial process is designed to ensure that all content published on our website meets these standards.
Editorial Process:
Our editorial process involves a multi-step review process to ensure that all content is accurate, relevant, and unbiased:
- Content creation: Our writers are responsible for creating original content that is informative, timely, and relevant to our readers.
- Initial review: After content is created, it is reviewed by an editor who ensures that it meets our editorial standards, including accuracy, relevance, and unbiased reporting.
- Editorial board review: All content is then reviewed by our editorial board, which is composed of experienced journalists and editors who have a history of improving editorial practices. The editorial board is responsible for ensuring that all content published on our website meets our editorial guidelines.
- Final review: After the editorial board has reviewed the content, a final review is conducted to ensure that all changes have been incorporated and that the content is ready for publication.
Editorial Board:
Our editorial board is responsible for overseeing all aspects of our editorial process and ensuring that our content meets our high standards. Our editorial board is composed of the following individuals:
Soubick Das (Editor In-Chief): Soubick Das is the Editor-in-Chief at Doms2Cents. He loves writing about Anime & Manga and has written plenty of content for Doms2Cent & Otakukart before moving on to the Editorial Department.
Varsha Ojha (Editor)
Akshay Khanna (Content Writer): View All articles by Arijit Das
Arijit Das (Content Writer): View All articles by Arijit Das
Purshottam (Content Writer): View All Articles by Purshottam
Our editorial board is committed to maintaining the highest standards of editorial integrity and ensuring that our readers receive accurate, relevant, and unbiased news and information.
Editorial Guidelines:
At Doms2Cents, we strive to provide accurate, relevant, and unbiased news and information to our readers. Our editorial guidelines are designed to ensure that all content published on our website meets these standards.
- Accuracy: All content published on our website must be accurate and supported by reliable sources. We fact-check all content before publication to ensure that it is free from errors and misinformation.
- Relevance: All content published on our website must be relevant to the interests of our readers and cover topics that are important to them. We prioritize news and information that is timely and informative.
- Unbiased reporting: We are committed to unbiased reporting and ensure that all content published on our website is objective and free from personal bias, political affiliation, or other outside influences. Our editorial board reviews all content to ensure that it meets this standard.
- Editorial process: All content published on our website goes through a multi-step review process to ensure accuracy, relevance, and unbiased reporting. This process includes initial review by an editor, review by our editorial board, and a final review before publication.
- Corrections and updates: In the event that errors are discovered or new information becomes available, we will correct and update content as necessary to ensure accuracy.
- Transparency: We prioritize transparency and ensure that all content is clearly labeled with the author’s name and any potential conflicts of interest. We also provide information about our editorial board and their qualifications on our website.
- Legal compliance: All content published on our website complies with applicable laws and regulations, including those related to privacy, copyright, and defamation.
By following these editorial guidelines, we are committed to providing our readers with accurate, relevant, and unbiased news and information.