Extracurricular is a South Korean drama series focusing on three friends from varying walks of life who, for varied purposes, are involved in criminal actions. Jin Han-Sae developed the young drama in 2020. It garnered great reviews from reviewers and audiences who loved its distinct narrative approach and drama. The series grew increasingly as one of the highly popular K dramas worldwide and created an exciting base, who are anxious to see the tale go on following the first season’s suspense. Season 1 of ‘Extracurricular’ was released via Netflix on 29 April 2020. The first season consisted of 10 episodes spanning 44-72 mins. All the episodes were released on the same day. The fate of the series is still unknown. In the year following Netflix’s launch, the Extracurricular has still to be renewed for the Extracurricular Season 2 or formally canceled. In addition, the maker and author of the program, Jin Han-sae, has gone on with his other ventures and has to speak publicly on this series’ future. The relationship of Han-sae with Netflix and Studio 329 producers, nevertheless, remains.
Hence, the Extracurricular Season 2 might yet be hopeful.
Extracurricular Season 2: Release Date
Han-Sae is busy working on Netflix’s Glitch series of a comedic thriller. The author could shift his focus to scripting season 2 of ‘Extracurricular,’ as long as production on the series had been completed. We may thus anticipate the streaming behemoth to make an official notice before the end of 2021. In light of all of the above, we believe that Extracurricular Season 2 will appear in 2023.
Extracurricular: Recap
The extracurricular activity looks nice on your secondary school diploma, but perhaps not like the sorts portrayed in this obscure teenage Korean drama. A teenager named Jisoo is the primary character in our narrative. Jisoo works hard in school to obtain admission to a reputable school and ultimately get a fantastic career and a high income. His life’s goal is to achieve greater than his parents. And he requires a huge amount to do this because education is not too cheap and it has some financial limits.
To achieve his aim, he participates in some extracurricular activities related to the illegal aspect of the legislation. He sustains himself via coordination and assistance of some teenage sex workers using voice camouflage and internet powers. Initially, it was simple for him to secrete his dual life, after all, he’s a lonely one and seldom gets mixed with others, but when one of his peers gets involved in his daily life and interferes in his work, things begin to get tough for him.
Gyuri, a girl from a wealthy family, is the sort of affluent person who has all that Jisoo wishes. However, she’s not happy with her existence and wants extra. She is an unrebellious teenager who barely abides her parents and wants to be part of the money-generating strategy when she discovers out about Jisoo’s secret life.
Season 1 was finished with an ambiguous climax. Jisoo is stabbed by a guy who thinks he’s the downfall of his life. Jisoo can currently think of Gyuri as the sole person for aid. Gyuri, who was meant to be in Sydney, Australia, actually ended up at his place and attempts to save him, watching the man she loved sweeping away from a stabbing wound. But the blood appeared to become worse, even Gyuri almost gave up and is weeping away, while Jisoo is bleeding and struggling with tremendous effort to recover his breath. And at that moment investigator Hae-Gyeong comes to the area after getting a tip. What was predicted was that Jisoo alone, or dead from severe bleeding, might be found or found by the detective. What we were showed rather was the image of bloodshed all over the stairway. It is not sure whether Ji-soo managed to flee.
Extracurricular Season 2: Expected Plot
In Extracurricular Season 2, we’ll discover if Ji-soo ends up paying for his misdeeds or is still running away from Detective Lee. We could also obtain some replies on the fate of Ki-Tae. Ji-soo and Gyu-Ri are probable to be brought back further into the criminal underworld as they both feel the public has loathed them.