My Hero Academia is a Japanese-based superhero manga series that follows the storyline of a boy who is born without superpowers in a land where possession of superpowers is considered normal. The superhero manga series is serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump and is written by Kohei Horikoshi. The series first came in July 2014 and is an altogether combination of 32 independent volumes. The series has received a Harvey award and has given rise to various spinoffs like My Hero Academia: team-up, My Hero Academia: Splash, My Hero Academia- Vigilantes. The protagonist of the story is IZUKU MIDORIYA who dreams to become a hero irrespective of the constant childhood bullying by his friend for lacking superpowers. The story is currently unfolding its final saga and the superheroes are trying to save the city from the evils to the best of their abilities but this time the citizens instead have turned against the heroes. So, what is in store for My Hero Academia Chapter 334?
My Hero Academia Chapter 333 – Recap
The chapter titled Apparition aired on Sunday, 14th November 2021, and began with Tomura explaining how his interest in watching all for one meeting with the new order and one for all has shifted to him stealing the quirk- new order. After this Tomura grabs the star which leads to All for one touching her body and the star soon realizes that her body has started to decay and she can either save her body or her quirk. She decides to save her body and just when Tomura Shigaraki exclaims with jy and starts celebrating his victory, he notices that he is unable to complete what the quirk says and his body starts decaying. All this happened due to the star’s intelligence as she applied a new order on her quirk which ended up rupturing Tomura’s body and this way the missiles didn’t reach in wrong hands. Realizing this, Tomuro tries to separate New Order but stars end up breaking him apart and end his journey along with her own.
Is Tomura Dead?
Considering how the episode ended, there are high chances that Tomura Shigaraki is dead. However, there are slight chances that the storyline might take an unexpected turn and we could see him not dead. However, any confirmation on the same can be given after watching the upcoming episode.
All About The Upcoming Chapter
As the story ends on star and Tomura’s body rupturing, My Hero Academia Chapter 334 will confirm if Tomura is actually dead or not and the chapter will showcase the aftermath of the incident and how Japan is going to deal with further attacks by the evils.
My Hero Academia Chapter 334 is all set to air this Sunday on 21st November 2021. However, due to variations in time zones, the time of release will differ from one place to another.
- JAPAN – 1.00 am 21st November
- USA/CANADA- 10.00 am 21st November
- The UK- 4.00 pm 21st November
- Europe- 5.00 pm 21st November
- India- 9.30 pm 21st November
Up till now, no spoilers have been released and the raw scans might arrive two to three days prior. However, watching the episode directly actually boosts up the interest. To read the upcoming episode online, fans can hover to the official website of VIZ MEDIA’S or can even watch it on MANGA-UP with Shonen Jump or Mangaplus. The episodes here are available for free.