Marvel Studios Moon Knight season 1 finale is here. This series finale has just blown the mind of fans. The fans are very satisfied with the episode of Moon Knight. The whole episode was great but the ending and the post-credits scene is awesome.
Finally, the finale episode of Moon Knight is streaming on Disney+. This episode gave fans full of satisfaction. From the start to the end of the episode it was thrilling. Fans expected many things in the sixth episode of Moon Knight some things they got and some things they didn’t. But overall the episode was amazing. Let us know about the ending and Post-credit scene of Moon Knight. All episodes of Moon Knight are streaming on Disney+.

Moon Knight Ending explain
The sixth episode of Moon Knight was named Gods and Monsters. In this, we get to see Marc getting alive and on the other hand, we get to see Arthur Harrow played by Ethan Hawke has killed every Avatar of Gods and awakened her Goddess Ammit. The look of Ammit was awesome. Then we also get to see Layla played by May Calamawy has become the avatar of Taweret. We also get to see Moon Knight gets the power of flight, as in comics he can’t fly. Then we get to see an epic battle between Moon Knight and Arthur Harrow and also between Khonshu and Ammit. Then it seems that Steven will lose this battle and on the other hand, Layla is also defeated. Then Marc blacked out and then, when he comes back to Marc’s personality he sees everybody there was killed and Arthur was almost killed. But if Marc or Steven didn’t kill all those guys then who did? There must be some other personality inside him. Now, Layla and Steven work together taking Harrow’s body and trapping Ammit inside him. The only way to stop for good though is to kill Harrow. But Steven decides not to kill him. He also wants to be free as well, which Khonshu allows. Then Marc comes back to Asylum and after some conversations, we get to see impressions of blood wherever Arthur is placing his feet. Then he realizes that this is not real and then he wakes up in his apartment and the story ends. But is it the end? We shall find out stay tuned.

Post-Credit scene explain
Fans loved the post-credit scene of Moon Knight. As in this post-credits, we get to see Arthur Harrow in the mental Asylum and a Spanish guy takes Arthur Harrow in a Limousine. Then we also get to see Khonshu who was already inside the Limousine having some conversations with Arthur Harrow. Then Khonshu reveals his new friend which is none other than Marc’s third identity that is Jake Lockley who is the driver of the Limousine. He turns back and shoots Arthur Harrow. Then he drives the car away.

Fans loved this episode as this episode shows us Jake Lockley who is the third identity of Marc Spector. This episode is the final episode of Moon Knight Season 1. Fans want to see Moon Knight Season 2 as we see Jake Lockley in the post-credit of Moon Knight season 1. All episodes of Moon Knight are streaming on Disney+.