She-Hulk Official Trailer gives us new look at Tim Roth’s Emil Blonsky in human form

Another new Marvel heroine is going to debut in Marvel Cinematic Universe. A hype was created around She-Hulk after Moon Knight, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Ms. Marvel, Thor: Love and Thunder then what next. As Disney U.K accidentally confirmed the release date of She-Hulk. She-Hulk got a brand new official trailer and … Read more

Moon Knight head writer Confirms Marc Spector was not dusted by Thanos’s snap and was fighting criminal during the Blip

We are here to talk about the other update given on the Moon Knight by its head writer and everyone is talking about it. Moon Knight stood out to make a good impact in the industry with the amazing storyline that everyone found fascinating and mentioning the part that the show recieved over a strong … Read more

Gorr the God Butcher reference was cut out from the Moon Knight series, Confirms Head Writer

The Moon Knight series on Disney+ was awesome. This series includes the dissociative identity disorder of Marc Spector who is sharing his body with Steven Grant, later in the post-credit scene of Moon Knight we get to know not the one Marc Spector is sharing the body with but one more identity is there that … Read more

Marvel Confirmed May Calamawy Is Officially the first Egyptian Superhero ‘Scarlet Scarab’

The finale of Moon Knight is there. The finale gives many surprises and many great battles. One of the surprises of the Moon Knight finale is May Calamawy who is playing the role of Layla El-Faouly as Scarlet Scarab and the avatar of Taweret. But we didn’t get the confirmation from Marvel what is her … Read more

Marvel just changed it’s mind and Moon Knight might get renewed for season 2

Moon Knight has been a huge success for MCU. Finally, after a prolonged wait, we witnessed the epic tale of the dark superhero. Oscar Isaac has surely delivered an exceptional leadership role in Moon Knight. There is no doubt that the epic Marvel series has developed a huge fan base out there. Moon Knight season … Read more