The popular Kong: The Animated Series is returning with its new piece of work soon on Netflix. The previous superhit was in 2017, similar to the preceding one, the series will revolve around the adventures of the Skull Island occupied by giant creatures that are called home by Kong. The series will executively be produced by Brian Duffield who is also the producer of “Underwater” and “The Babysitter“. The same animation studio has also delivered superhits like “Castlevania” and “Blood of Zeus“. Through Tractor Pants Banners, Jacob Robinson Will also be the producer of the series. King Kong is all set to make its anime debut on Netflix. “Skull Island” series will release in March which is the next part of Monsterverse preceded by Godzilla: King Of The Monsters and Kong: Skull Island.
About The Skull Island Netflix Series
Netflix has issued a statement mentioning the making of the animated Skull Island series on a troop of marooned characters. Presently, the Legendary’s Monsterverse is preparing for its biggest release Godzilla Vs Kong. This presents the return of Godzilla for the third time while Kong showed his presence for the second time, making its debut in Kong: Skull Island in the year 2017. After much delays, Godzilla Vs Kong which was set to release on 21 st May, then followed by 26 March, was finally released on 31st March in theatres worldwide while in North America it was premiered on HBO Max. The movie starred Millie Bobby Brown, Demian Bichir, Zhyang Ziyi, Lance Reddick, Julian Dennison. Kong: Skull island presented the era of the 1970s exhibiting a weird island that is a habitation for various petrified creatures. The entry of the stars like Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, Brie Larson, and John Goodman on the mysterious island pushes them into a difficult situation as they face a variety of demons and also encounter the king of the island, Kong. Presently, it is one of the highest profit earning movies of the MonsterVerse, having a worldwide income of $566.7 million dollars.
Timeline Of The Series
Now, Netflix has declared the making of the animated Skull Island series. MonsterVerse is leading towards a new path by the anime series Skull Island, it will greatly explore the queer island picturized in the 2017 film. To date, not much information is revealed about the era shown in the series, but according to assumptions it will take place somewhere between Skull Island and Godzilla Vs Kong, where the Titan has been shown leaving the island. It is believed that the series will include new characters.
History Of Kong In The Monsterverse
The Godzilla and Kong family by Legendary’s MonsterVerse was initiated by Godzilla and Skull Island in 2014, then subsequently preceded in 2019 by Godzilla: King of Monsters and then in 2021 by Godzilla Vs King Kong. The Anime series will continue to display these adventurous and mysterious stories As per reports, Kong: Skull Island is small 30$ budget series concentrating on John C. Reilly’s Marlow.
Skull Island Netflix Release Date
Presently, no release dates have been issued for the release of the series. The audience is eagerly waiting for the premiere of the series, so stay tuned for further updates.