High Rise Invasion is originally a Japanese manga series written by Tsuina Miura and illustrated by Takahiro Oba. The anime adaptation on Netflix is a psychological horror and survival series. It follows Yuri Honjo, a high school student, who suddenly finds herself trapped in a world she knows nothing of. It is almost like a storybook with tall eerie skyscrapers interconnected by bridges. She then realizes she is being hunted by mysterious figures wearing masks. She also finds other teenagers in the same situation, but it is unclear whether they are good or evil. The Fans Are Eager to know About High Rise Invasion Season 2 Release Date. The manga is licensed in North America by Seven Seas Entertainment and can be streamed on Netflix.
Although there was some apprehension among viewers initially when the first season launched on 25th February 2021, it fizzled away quickly when people watched it and loved it! It had 12 episodes of 25 minutes each. A point to be taken into consideration is that High Rise Invasion can be quite gory, and almost scary, at times, so viewer discretion is advised. If you are a child below 12 years of age, it is advised to watch it under adult supervision at all times.
What Exactly Does “Manga” Mean?
Manga is a style of comic books or graphic novels originating from Japan. They are typically aimed at young adults but can be read by children too. The term manga is used in Japan to refer to both comics as well as cartooning.
High Rise Invasion Season 2 Updates
The only update that we have, sadly, is that there are no updates as of now. The producers of the show, Zero-G, as well as Netflix, are yet to announce anything regarding High Rise Invasion season 2. But the show is far from over. The original Manga series is complete and there is enough material online for several more seasons of the original net animation (ONA).
Fans are eagerly awaiting the renewal announcement. It is expected in 2022 as of now. If it follows the pattern of season 1, there will be 12 episodes that are 25 minutes long. The delay can be attributed to viewership concerns but if the producers are reassured, we can definitely expect to have a High Rise Invasion Season 2. However, only time will tell for sure.
Let’s Meet The High Rise Invasion Characters And The Voices Behind Them
- Yuri Honjō (本城遊理, Honjō Yuri, Title: Tenma) – Voiced by Haruka Shiraishi (Japanese) and Suzie Yeung (English)
- Mayuko Nise (二瀬真由子, Nise Mayuko) – Voiced by Shiki Aoki (Japanese) and Jennie Kwan (English)
- Kuon Shinzaki (新崎九遠, Shinzaki Kuon) – Voiced by Akira Sekine (Japanese) and Stephanie Sheh (English)
- Rika Honjō (本城理火, Honjō Rika, Title: The Apostle) – Voiced by Junya Enoki (Japanese) and Zeno Robinson (English)
- Sniper Mask (スナイパー仮面, Sunaipā Kamen, Title: The Judge) – Voiced by Yuichiro Umehara (Japanese) and Jonah Scott (English)
- Mamoru Aikawa (相川守, Aikawa Mamoru) – Voiced by Jun Fukuyama (Japanese) and Johnny Yong Bosch (English)
- Yayoi Kusakabe (日下部弥生, Kusakabe Yayoi) – Voiced by Yoko Hikasa (Japanese) and Cristina Vee (English)
- Kazuma Aohara (青原和真, Aohara Kazuma) – Voiced by Koji Yusa (Japanese) and Todd Haberkorn (English)
Let’s hope we get some exciting news regarding High Rise Invasion Season 2 super soon!