Which Question is Most Closely Related to the Field of Biology? A Guide for Curious Minds

Biology is a fascinating and diverse field of science that studies living things and their vital processes. It covers a wide range of topics, from the structure and function of cells to the evolution and diversity of life on Earth. But how can you tell if a question is related to biology or not? What are some examples of biological questions that you can ask and explore? In this article, we will answer these questions and help you understand the scope and importance of biology as a field of study.

What is Biology?

Biology is the natural science that explores the physical structure, molecular interactions, chemical composition, development, physiological mechanism, and evolution of living matter. It is composed of many branches or disciplines, each focusing on a specific aspect or level of organization of life. Some of the main branches of biology are:

  • Zoology: The study of animals, their behavior, anatomy, physiology, ecology, and evolution.
  • Botany: The study of plants, their structure, function, classification, distribution, and interactions with other organisms.
  • Microbiology: The study of microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protists, and their roles in health, disease, ecology, and biotechnology.
  • Genetics: The study of genes, DNA, heredity, variation, and the molecular basis of life.
  • Biochemistry: The study of chemical processes within or related to living organisms, such as metabolism, enzyme action, and signaling pathways.
  • Ecology: The study of how organisms interact with each other and their environment, and how they adapt to changing conditions.
  • Evolutionary Biology: The study of evolutionary processes and diversification and adaptation of life over time.

These are just some examples of the many fields of biology that exist. There are also interdisciplinary fields that combine biology with other sciences, such as biotechnology, bioinformatics, biophysics, astrobiology, and environmental biology.

How to Identify a Biological Question?

A biological question is a question that relates to one or more aspects of living things or their vital processes. It can be general or specific, descriptive or explanatory, observational or experimental. A biological question can be answered by using scientific methods, such as observation, measurement, experimentation, analysis, and interpretation. A biological question can also lead to further questions or hypotheses that can be tested or explored.

To identify a biological question, you can use the following criteria:

  • Does it involve living things or their vital processes?
  • Does it require biological knowledge or concepts to answer?
  • Does it have a clear and testable answer?
  • Does it have relevance or significance to biology or society?

If the answer to these questions is yes, then you have a biological question. If not, then you may have a question that belongs to another field of science or is not scientific at all.

Examples of Biological Questions

To illustrate how to identify a biological question, let us look at some examples and see if they meet the criteria.

  • How do plants make their own food? This is a biological question because it involves living things (plants) and their vital processes (photosynthesis). It requires biological knowledge or concepts (such as chlorophyll, light energy, carbon dioxide, water) to answer. It has a clear and testable answer (plants make their own food by using chlorophyll to capture light energy and convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen). It has relevance or significance to biology (as it explains one of the fundamental processes of life) and society (as it affects food production, climate change, and biodiversity).
  • Why do we dream? This is not a biological question because it does not involve living things or their vital processes. It requires psychological knowledge or concepts (such as consciousness, memory, emotion) to answer. It does not have a clear and testable answer (as there are many theories and explanations for why we dream). It does not have relevance or significance to biology (as it does not affect the survival or reproduction of living things) but it may have some to society (as it reflects our culture and values).
  • What is the best way to prevent malaria? This is a biological question because it involves living things (humans and mosquitoes) and their vital processes (infection and immunity). It requires biological knowledge or concepts (such as parasites, plasmodium, vectors, vaccines, drugs) to answer. It has a clear and testable answer (there are various methods to prevent malaria, such as using insecticide-treated nets, taking antimalarial drugs, or getting vaccinated). It has relevance or significance to biology (as it relates to the transmission and control of diseases) and society (as it affects the health and well-being of millions of people).


Biology is a broad and diverse field of science that studies living things and their vital processes. It has many branches and disciplines that focus on different aspects or levels of organization of life. A biological question is a question that relates to one or more aspects of living things or their vital processes. It can be answered by using scientific methods and biological knowledge or concepts. It also has relevance or significance to biology or society. By identifying and asking biological questions, you can learn more about the living world and its wonders.

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