Which of These Themes Is Most Closely Related to GATT? A Guide to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was a landmark treaty that aimed to promote international trade by reducing or eliminating trade barriers such as tariffs, quotas, and subsidies. It was signed by 23 countries in 1947 and remained in effect until 1995, when it was replaced by the World Trade Organization (WTO). The GATT had a significant impact on the global economy, as it facilitated the expansion of trade and the integration of markets. But what were the main themes and issues that the GATT addressed? And which of these themes is most closely related to the GATT? In this article, we will explore some of the key aspects of the GATT and how they relate to different themes in international trade.

Trade Liberalization

One of the most obvious themes that is closely related to the GATT is trade liberalization, which refers to the process of removing or reducing barriers to trade among countries. The GATT was created to foster trade liberalization, as its preamble stated its purpose as “the substantial reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers and the elimination of preferences, on a reciprocal and mutually advantageous basis.” According to Investopedia, the GATT succeeded in lowering the average tariff levels for the major participants from about 22% in 1947 to 5% after the Uruguay Round in 1999. The GATT also helped to eliminate other forms of trade protectionism, such as quotas, subsidies, and non-tariff barriers. Trade liberalization has been widely regarded as beneficial for economic growth, development, and welfare, as it allows countries to specialize in their comparative advantage, access larger markets, and enjoy lower prices and greater variety of goods and services.

Trade Negotiations

Another theme that is closely related to the GATT is trade negotiations, which refer to the process of bargaining and reaching agreements on trade issues among countries. The GATT was based on the principle of multilateralism, which means that trade negotiations were conducted among all members on an equal basis. The GATT held eight rounds of trade negotiations between 1947 and 1993, each with different objectives and outcomes. The most notable rounds were:

  • The Kennedy Round (1964-1967), which achieved a 35% reduction in tariffs across industrial goods and introduced new rules on anti-dumping measures and subsidies.
  • The Tokyo Round (1973-1979), which further reduced tariffs on industrial goods and expanded the coverage of non-tariff barriers, such as technical standards, customs procedures, and government procurement.
  • The Uruguay Round (1986-1994), which was the longest and most comprehensive round, as it resulted in the creation of the WTO and the inclusion of new areas such as services, intellectual property rights, agriculture, textiles, and dispute settlement.

Trade negotiations are essential for resolving trade disputes, addressing emerging challenges, and adapting to changing circumstances in the global economy. They also provide an opportunity for countries to cooperate and coordinate their trade policies and interests.

Trade Rules

A third theme that is closely related to the GATT is trade rules, which refer to the set of principles, norms, and regulations that govern international trade. The GATT established a framework of trade rules that aimed to ensure fair and transparent trade practices among countries. Some of the key trade rules that emerged from the GATT were:

  • The most-favored-nation (MFN) principle, which required that any trade concession granted by one country to another should be extended to all other members without discrimination.
  • The national treatment principle, which required that imported goods should be treated no less favorably than domestic goods with respect to taxes, regulations, and other internal measures.
  • The reciprocity principle, which required that trade concessions should be balanced and mutually beneficial for both parties.
  • The transparency principle, which required that trade policies and measures should be notified and published for public scrutiny.

Trade rules are important for creating a level playing field for traders, preventing unfair competition, enhancing predictability and stability, and promoting trust and cooperation among countries.


The GATT was a remarkable achievement in international trade that shaped the modern trading system. It addressed various themes and issues related to trade liberalization, trade negotiations, and trade rules. Among these themes, trade liberalization is perhaps the most closely related to the GATT, as it was its main objective and outcome. However, trade negotiations and trade rules are also essential components of the GATT framework that contributed to its success and relevance. Therefore, it can be said that all these themes are interrelated and interdependent in the context of the GATT.

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