Motorcycle accidents are a serious public health problem that claim thousands of lives every year. According to the World Health Organization, motorcycle riders account for 23% of all road traffic deaths globally, and in some countries, this figure can be as high as 80%. In the United States, motorcycle riders are 28 times more likely to die in a crash than car occupants, and they make up 14% of all traffic fatalities.
But what is a major cause of death in motorcycle accidents? And how can riders and drivers prevent these tragic outcomes? In this article, we will explore some of the common factors that contribute to fatal motorcycle crashes, and provide some tips on how to reduce the risk of being involved in one.
Head Injuries
One of the most common and deadly injuries that motorcycle riders suffer in crashes is head injuries. According to Forbes, head injuries account for 54% of all motorcycle accident deaths, and they can range from mild concussions to severe brain damage. Head injuries can occur when the rider’s head hits the ground, another vehicle, or an object at high speed, or when the rider is thrown off the bike and suffers a whiplash injury.
The best way to prevent head injuries in motorcycle accidents is to wear a helmet. Helmets can reduce the risk of fatal head injuries by 42% and non-fatal head injuries by 69%, according to the World Health Organization. However, not all helmets are equally effective. Riders should choose helmets that meet the safety standards of their country, and that fit properly and securely. Helmets should also be replaced after a crash or after five years of use, as they may lose their protective qualities over time.
Alcohol Impairment
Another major cause of death in motorcycle accidents is alcohol impairment. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 42% of motorcyclists who died in single-vehicle crashes in 2019 had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher, which is the legal limit for driving in most states. Alcohol impairment affects the rider’s judgment, reaction time, balance, coordination, and vision, making them more likely to lose control of their bike or fail to notice potential hazards.
The only way to prevent alcohol impairment in motorcycle accidents is to avoid drinking and riding. Riders should never consume any amount of alcohol before or during riding, as even small doses can impair their abilities. Riders should also be aware of the effects of other drugs, such as prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, or illegal substances, that may impair their riding skills. If riders are unsure about how a drug may affect them, they should consult their doctor or pharmacist before riding.
Speeding is another major cause of death in motorcycle accidents. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 32% of motorcyclists who died in crashes in 2019 were speeding, compared to 18% of car drivers. Speeding increases the risk of losing control of the bike, especially on curves or slippery surfaces. Speeding also reduces the rider’s ability to react to unexpected situations, such as traffic changes, road hazards, or animals crossing. Speeding also increases the severity of injuries in case of a crash, as the impact force is proportional to the square of the speed.
The best way to prevent speeding in motorcycle accidents is to obey the speed limits and adjust the speed according to the road conditions and traffic flow. Riders should also avoid racing with other vehicles or engaging in risky maneuvers, such as weaving in and out of lanes or tailgating. Riders should also be aware of their own limitations and skill level, and not ride faster than they can handle.
Lack of Visibility
Lack of visibility is another major cause of death in motorcycle accidents. According to Forbes, 60% of car drivers who hit motorcycles claim that they did not see them before the crash. Motorcycles are smaller and less conspicuous than cars, and they can easily be hidden by blind spots, glare, or other vehicles. Lack of visibility can also affect riders themselves, as they may not see other road users or obstacles until it is too late.
The best way to prevent lack of visibility in motorcycle accidents is to make oneself more visible and alert on the road. Riders should wear bright or reflective clothing and helmets, use headlights and taillights at all times, and signal their intentions clearly. Riders should also avoid riding in blind spots or between lanes, and maintain a safe distance from other vehicles. Riders should also scan their surroundings constantly and anticipate potential hazards.
Road Hazards
Road hazards are another major cause of death in motorcycle accidents. Road hazards can include potholes, cracks, debris, gravel, oil spills, wet leaves, railroad tracks, or animals. These hazards can cause the bike to skid, swerve, or lose traction, resulting in a crash. Road hazards can also cause the rider to collide with other vehicles or objects, or to be thrown off the bike.
The best way to prevent road hazards in motorcycle accidents is to be aware of the road conditions and avoid riding on unsafe or unfamiliar roads. Riders should also reduce their speed and increase their following distance when encountering road hazards, and use caution when crossing intersections or railroad tracks. Riders should also avoid riding in bad weather, such as rain, snow, fog, or wind, as these can reduce visibility and traction.
Motorcycle accidents are a major cause of death and injury across the world, and they can be caused by various factors, such as head injuries, alcohol impairment, speeding, lack of visibility, and road hazards. However, many of these factors can be prevented or reduced by following some simple tips, such as wearing a helmet, avoiding alcohol and drugs, obeying the speed limits, making oneself visible and alert, and avoiding road hazards. By doing so, riders and drivers can help make the roads safer for everyone.