Ruth Prince Cause of Death: How a Faithful Wife and Helper Departed from This World

Ruth Prince was the second wife of Derek Prince, a renowned international Bible teacher and author. She was a devoted partner in his ministry and a woman of prayer and faith. She passed away on December 29, 1998, after battling an infection in her body for several weeks. Her death was a great loss for Derek and for many who knew and loved her. In this article, we will explore the life and legacy of Ruth Prince, as well as the circumstances of her death.

Early Life and Marriage to Derek Prince

Ruth Baker was born in 1930 in New Zealand. She grew up in a Christian family and had a passion for God and His Word. She studied at the University of Auckland, where she earned a degree in English literature. She also learned Hebrew and became interested in Israel and the Jewish people.

In 1977, she met Derek Prince, who was visiting New Zealand as part of his ministry. Derek was a widower since 1975, when his first wife Lydia died of cancer. He had adopted Lydia’s eight daughters from her previous marriages and raised them as his own. He also had one son with Lydia.

Ruth and Derek felt an immediate connection and attraction. They shared a common vision for God’s kingdom and His purposes for Israel. They married in 1978 and moved to Jerusalem, where they lived for the rest of their lives.

Ministry Partnership with Derek Prince

Ruth was a faithful wife and helper to Derek in his ministry. She supported him with her prayers, encouragement, wisdom, and love. She also traveled with him to many countries where he preached and taught the Word of God.

Ruth had a special burden for the Jewish people and their salvation. She prayed fervently for Israel and its peace. She also reached out to many Jewish believers and helped them grow in their faith.

Ruth was also involved in various humanitarian projects in Israel and other nations. She helped distribute food, clothing, medical supplies, and Bibles to the needy. She also sponsored children’s education and welfare.

Ruth was a humble and gracious woman who radiated the love of Christ. She touched many lives with her kindness, generosity, compassion, and joy.

Death and Legacy

In late 1998, Ruth contracted an infection in her body that weakened her immune system. She was hospitalized several times and received various treatments, but her condition did not improve. She suffered from pain, fever, nausea, and fatigue.

Despite her physical suffering, Ruth remained steadfast in her faith and trust in God. She continued to pray and worship Him with all her heart. She also expressed her gratitude to Derek and to all who cared for her.

On December 29, 1998, Ruth slipped into the presence of Jesus amid the soft singing of Hebrew choruses around 8 pm Jerusalem time. Derek was by her side, holding her hand and praying for her. He later said that he felt a peace that surpassed all understanding.

Two days later, Ruth was buried in Jerusalem after a memorial service at Christ Church in the Old City. Derek gave a touching eulogy, thanking God for His faithfulness and for the love that had been poured out through Ruth. He also said that he was at peace with God’s timing of her home going.

Many people attended the service or sent their condolences to Derek. They testified of how Ruth had blessed them with her life and ministry. They also expressed their admiration for Derek’s strength and maturity in his faith.

Ruth’s death left a void in Derek’s life that could not be filled by anyone else. He missed her terribly and longed to see her again. He continued his ministry until his own death in 2003, but he often said that he felt like a half-person without Ruth.

Ruth Prince’s cause of death was an infection that took away her physical life, but it could not take away her eternal life. She is now with Jesus, whom she loved more than anything else. She is also reunited with Lydia, who was like a sister to her.

Ruth Prince left behind a legacy of love, faithfulness, service, prayer, and hope. She inspired many to follow Jesus with all their hearts and to seek His will for their lives. She also showed what it means to be a true helper to one’s spouse in God’s calling.

We can honor Ruth Prince by remembering her example and by praying for Israel and the Jewish people as she did. We can also look forward to seeing her again when Jesus returns to establish His kingdom on earth.

Doms Desk

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