Jon Watts will return to direct Spider-Man 4 starring Tom Holland and Zendaya following departure from Fantastic Four

We are here to drop the big news which has come through as Jon Watts might be returning to direct Spider-Man 4 next after recently withdrawing from MCU’s Fantastic Four project. Spider-Man: No Way Home was released back in December of 2021 and though the movie stood out to be a big blockbuster and thus made a record at the box office. The movie on the other hand lived up to the expectations of the fans and delivered a big storyline that everyone was expecting and now the fans are curious to cover what more content would be brought upon in the title of Spider-Man.

The big news came in recently that Jon Watts withdrew his deal as the director of Fantastic Four which was an MCU reboot of the franchise along with Disney. Watts was the director of the MCU Spider-Man trilogy and his last project turned out to be a big success and earned up to $1.9 billion worldwide, thus the movie stood out to be the highest-grossing one of studios yet.

Jon Watts is expected to return with yet another installment of Spider-Man

Also mention the part that the fans are looking out for the reason as why Watts moved away from the project and it is being talked about everywhere on the internet. Hence to mention that there has not been any particular reason why Watts took a step back from the project and it was just that he wanted to get away from the superhero realm movies as he completed the trilogy of Spider-Man by Tom Holland.

There are a lot of words from the sources reporting that Watts went on to spend over a good amount of money on the Spider-Man films in the decade whereas he has done remarkably well with the projects. Thus to mention that there are other predictions being set out at the time from the fans mentioning that the director would be bringing upon one more installment of Spider-Man which will be staring Tom Holland and Zendaya and thus the last installment would be coming out with a big prospective.

No news has been given ahead at the time which has come through with the confirmation from the studios and it is yet to see whether the studios would move forward to approve the next installments of the title. If that goes on to happen then once again the title may move ahead to make a big record as it has been the most awaited part too and the audience would also love to cover more storyline from Watts.

It is yet to see what will the studios decide because it’s not going to be a small project at the time and though everyone would need to figure things out for the story in order to proceed ahead with the project and more would be known once the authorities will drop ahead more updates in the following time.

Soubick Das

A die-hard fan of anime and TV shows. I've been captivated by the vivid storytelling and diverse characters that both mediums have to offer since my early years, and my enthusiasm has only grown stronger over time.

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