Is Jessica Paré Related to Michael Paré? The Truth Behind the Rumor

Many fans of the Canadian actress Jessica Paré, who is known for her roles in Mad Men and SEAL Team, have wondered if she is related to the American actor Michael Paré, who starred in Streets of Fire and The Philadelphia Experiment. The two actors share the same last name, which is of French origin, and have similar facial features. However, the truth is that they are not related at all.

Jessica Paré’s Family Background

Jessica Paré was born on December 5, 1980, in Montreal, Quebec. Her father, Anthony Paré, was a former chair of the education department at McGill University, and her mother, Louise Mercier, was a conference interpreter. She has three brothers and grew up in the Montreal neighbourhood of Notre-Dame-de-Grâce. She speaks English and French fluently.

Jessica Paré’s father was an actor and drama teacher who toured with a theatre company, and her mother acted in amateur productions. Her uncle Paul was a comedian with the sketch comedy troupe Radio Free Vestibule. Jessica Paré watched her father at rehearsals as a child and became interested in acting while helping him learn his lines for a production of The Tempest.

Jessica Paré has some notable relatives in her family tree. Her great-grandfather was Al Paré, a Canadian politician who served as the mayor of Sudbury, Ontario, from 1939 to 1943. Her great-great-uncles were Noah and Henry Timmins, who were prominent mining entrepreneurs in Canada. She is also a descendant of Elizabeth Griffith, an 18th-century Irish dramatist, fiction writer, essayist and actress, through her son Richard Griffith, a politician.

Michael Paré’s Family Background

Michael Paré was born on October 9, 1958, in Brooklyn, New York City. His father, Francis Paré, owned print shops, and his mother, Joan Moroney, was a homemaker. He has six sisters and three brothers. His father was of French-Canadian ancestry and died from leukemia when Michael Paré was five years old.

Michael Paré grew up as a fan of James Dean, Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, Paul Newman and Robert Mitchum. He studied at the Culinary Institute of America and worked as a chef in New York City before he was discovered by a modeling agent. He also studied acting under Uta Hagen in the early 1980s.

Michael Paré has been married three times. His first wife was Lisa Katselas, a film producer whom he married in 1980 and divorced in 1982. His second wife was Marisa Roebuck, a model whom he married in 1986 and divorced in 1988. His third wife was Marjolein Booy, a Dutch journalist whom he married in 1992. He has one son named Ghillie with Booy.

Despite their common last name and appearance, Jessica Paré and Michael Paré are not related because they have different ancestors and origins. Jessica Paré’s family is from Quebec, Canada, while Michael Paré’s family is from New York City, USA. Their last name is pronounced differently as well: Jessica Paré pronounces it as “pa-ray”, while Michael Paré pronounces it as “pa-ree”.

According to, the surname Paré is derived from the Old French word “parer”, which means “to prepare” or “to adorn”. It was originally a nickname for someone who was well-dressed or skilled at dressing food. The surname is common in France and French-speaking regions such as Quebec.

The surname Paré can also be spelled as Paree or Parey. However, these are not variations of the same name but rather different names with different origins. Paree is an Anglicized form of the Irish surname O’Pairin or O’Parrin, which means “descendant of Pairin”, a personal name derived from the Latin word “patricius”, meaning “noble” or “patrician”. Parey is an English surname that comes from the Old French word “paray”, which means “enclosure” or “park”. It was originally a locational name for someone who lived near or worked at a park.

Therefore, Jessica Paré and Michael Paré are not related because they have different surnames with different meanings and origins. They are both talented actors who happen to share a coincidental resemblance.


Jessica Paré and Michael Paré are not related to each other. They have different family backgrounds and histories that do not connect them in any way. They are both successful actors who have starred in various films and television shows. They have nothing in common except their last name and their profession.

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