How Kadence Boykin’s Death Exposed Police Brutality and Racism in Texas

Kadence Boykin was a 13-year-old student from Kemp, Texas, who died unexpectedly on October 9, 2022. His death was a tragic loss for his family, friends, and community, who mourned him with purple balloons and heartfelt messages. But his death also raised questions about the circumstances surrounding his arrest by Texarkana College police officers, who allegedly ignored his pleas for help and used excessive force on him. According to the lawsuit filed by his family, Kadence Boykin’s death was a result of police brutality and racism, and it highlighted the need for justice and accountability in law enforcement.

The Arrest of Kadence Boykin

According to the lawsuit, Kadence Boykin was arrested on September 27, 2022, after he was accused of stealing a backpack from a Texarkana College student. The lawsuit claims that the officers who arrested him did not have probable cause or a warrant, and that they violated his constitutional rights by using excessive force, racial profiling, and false imprisonment. The lawsuit also alleges that the officers failed to provide him with medical care, despite his repeated complaints of pain and difficulty breathing.

The arrest was captured on body camera footage, which was released by the family’s attorney. The footage shows Boykin being handcuffed, pushed to the ground, and dragged by his arms. He can be heard saying “I can’t breathe” several times, as well as asking for water and an inhaler. The officers can be heard mocking him, calling him names, and threatening to use a stun gun on him. The footage also shows that Boykin was left alone in the back of a patrol car for about 20 minutes, without any supervision or medical attention.

The Death of Kadence Boykin

The lawsuit states that Boykin was taken to a hospital after he became unresponsive in the patrol car. He was diagnosed with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which is a life-threatening condition that causes fluid to build up in the lungs and prevents oxygen from reaching the organs. He was transferred to another hospital, where he remained in critical condition until he passed away on October 9, 2022.

The lawsuit claims that Boykin’s death was caused by the injuries he sustained during his arrest, as well as the lack of medical care he received from the officers. It also claims that Boykin had sickle cell trait, which is a genetic condition that affects the shape of red blood cells and can cause complications under stress or low oxygen levels. The lawsuit argues that the officers should have been aware of Boykin’s condition and provided him with appropriate care.

The Lawsuit Against Texarkana College Police

The lawsuit filed by Boykin’s family seeks damages for wrongful death, civil rights violations, negligence, and emotional distress. It names Texarkana College, its president, its board of trustees, its police department, and four individual officers as defendants. It also demands a jury trial and a public apology from the defendants.

The lawsuit accuses the defendants of engaging in a cover-up of Boykin’s death, by falsifying reports and withholding evidence. It also accuses them of failing to train, supervise, and discipline their officers, and of creating a culture of racism and violence within their police department. The lawsuit cites several examples of previous incidents involving Texarkana College police officers, such as excessive use of force, racial profiling, harassment, and misconduct.

The lawsuit also challenges the official cause of death given by the coroner, who determined that Boykin died of natural causes linked to complications of sickle cell trait. The lawsuit claims that this finding was based on incomplete and inaccurate information, and that it ignored the evidence of trauma and asphyxiation found in Boykin’s autopsy report.

The Implications of Kadence Boykin’s Death

Kadence Boykin’s death has sparked outrage and grief among his family, friends, and community members, who have held vigils, protests, and rallies to demand justice for him. His death has also drawn attention to the issues of police brutality and racism in Texas and across the nation, especially against Black people and other people of color. His death has also highlighted the need for reforms in law enforcement policies and practices, such as banning chokeholds, requiring body cameras, implementing de-escalation techniques, providing mental health services, and ensuring accountability and transparency.

Kadence Boykin’s death is not an isolated incident, but a symptom of a larger problem that affects many people in America. His death is a reminder of the value and dignity of human life, and the responsibility of those who are sworn to protect it. His death is a call for action and change in our society, so that no one else has to suffer or die like he did.

According to Arkansasonline, Kadence Boykin’s family and attorney are still waiting for a response from the defendants, and hope to get a trial date soon. They also hope to get justice for Kadence Boykin, and to prevent similar tragedies from happening to anyone else.

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