Downton Abbey is a popular British historical drama series that follows the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants in the early 20th century. One of the most captivating aspects of the show is the romance between Lady Mary Crawley, the eldest daughter of Lord Grantham, and Matthew Crawley, a distant cousin and the heir presumptive to the estate. But how are they related exactly? And what challenges did they face in their relationship? Here is everything you need to know about Mary and Matthew’s love story.
The Entail and the Titanic
The first episode of Downton Abbey begins with a shocking news: the Titanic has sunk, and with it, the lives of Lord Grantham’s cousin James Crawley and his son Patrick, who were both heirs to Downton Abbey. This means that Lord Grantham has no male offspring to inherit his title and estate, as the law of entail prevents his three daughters from inheriting. The only solution is to find another male relative who can inherit the estate and marry one of his daughters, preferably Mary, who was engaged to Patrick.
This is where Matthew Crawley comes in. He is a third cousin once removed of Lord Grantham, and a distant relative of James and Patrick. He is also a lawyer who lives in Manchester with his mother Isobel. He is shocked to learn that he is the new heir to Downton Abbey, and he initially refuses to accept his new status. He also clashes with Mary, who resents him for taking her place as the heir. However, as they get to know each other better, they develop a friendship and an attraction that gradually turns into love.
The Scandal and the War
However, Mary and Matthew’s relationship is not without obstacles. One of them is Mary’s scandalous past. Before she met Matthew, she had a brief affair with a Turkish diplomat named Kemal Pamuk, who died in her bed. She managed to hide this secret with the help of her mother and her maid Anna, but it later came back to haunt her when a former maid named Sarah O’Brien tried to blackmail her. Mary was afraid that if Matthew found out about her past, he would reject her.
Another obstacle was the outbreak of World War I, which changed everything for Downton Abbey and its inhabitants. Matthew joined the army as an officer, while Mary stayed at home and helped with the war effort. They kept in touch through letters, but their relationship became strained due to the distance and the uncertainty. Matthew also became engaged to a nurse named Lavinia Swire, who he met while recovering from an injury. Mary was heartbroken, but she tried to move on with her life. She even accepted a proposal from a newspaper tycoon named Sir Richard Carlisle, who knew about her scandal and promised to protect her reputation.
The Reunion and the Tragedy
However, fate had other plans for Mary and Matthew. They realized that they still loved each other, and they decided to break off their engagements with their respective partners. They finally got married in 1920, after overcoming several difficulties, such as Matthew’s temporary paralysis and Mary’s involvement in a murder case. They were overjoyed when they learned that Mary was pregnant with their first child.
However, their happiness was short-lived. On the day that their son George was born, Matthew was involved in a car accident while driving back to Downton Abbey. He died instantly, leaving Mary devastated and alone with their newborn son.
The Legacy and the Future
Matthew’s death marked the end of one of the most beloved couples in Downton Abbey. However, his legacy lived on through his son George, who became the new heir to Downton Abbey. Mary also managed to overcome her grief and find happiness again with Henry Talbot, a handsome race car driver who shared her passion for cars. They got married in 1925, and had a daughter named Caroline.
Mary and Matthew’s relationship was one of the highlights of Downton Abbey. They showed how two people from different backgrounds and personalities could overcome their differences and fall in love. They also faced many challenges and tragedies together, but they never gave up on each other. They were an example of true love that transcended time and circumstances.
According to Screen Rant, Mary and Matthew were the heart of Downton Abbey, as they embodied the theme of change and adaptation that characterized the show. Their romance was also captivating for millions of viewers around the world, who followed their ups and downs with interest and emotion.
If you are a fan of Downton Abbey, you might also enjoy watching some of their best moments on YouTube, or reading more about their love story on Hypable. You can also watch all six seasons of Downton Abbey on iTunes, or follow the official social media accounts of the show on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.