Which of the following traits is negatively related to group productivity and morale? A guide for managers

Group productivity and morale are two important factors that affect the performance and success of any organization. Productivity refers to the amount and quality of work that a group can produce in a given time, while morale refers to the overall outlook and attitude that group members have towards their work and organization.

Both productivity and morale can be influenced by various factors, such as the group’s goals, tasks, roles, norms, communication, leadership, rewards, recognition, feedback, and so on. However, not all of these factors have a positive impact on productivity and morale. Some of them can actually harm the group’s effectiveness and satisfaction.

In this article, we will explore some of the traits that are negatively related to group productivity and morale, based on research and best practices. We will also provide some tips on how to avoid or overcome these traits in your group.

Lack of clear and shared goals

One of the most common causes of low productivity and morale in groups is the lack of clear and shared goals. When group members do not know what they are supposed to do, why they are doing it, and how they will measure their progress and success, they can become confused, frustrated, and demotivated.

According to Asana, a clear company culture can help guide morale when things go wrong. Therefore, it is essential for managers to establish and communicate clear and shared goals for their groups, as well as align them with the organization’s vision and mission. This can help create a sense of purpose, direction, and cohesion among group members, as well as increase their engagement and commitment.

Some tips on how to set clear and shared goals for your group are:

– Use the SMART framework to make your goals specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

– Involve your group members in the goal-setting process to ensure their input, buy-in, and ownership.

– Break down your goals into smaller and manageable tasks and assign them to your group members according to their skills, interests, and preferences.

– Monitor and track your group’s progress and performance regularly and provide feedback and support as needed.

– Celebrate your group’s achievements and reward them for their efforts.

Lack of trust and cooperation

Another trait that can negatively affect group productivity and morale is the lack of trust and cooperation among group members. Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship, especially in groups where people depend on each other to complete their tasks. Cooperation is the willingness and ability of group members to work together towards a common goal.

When trust and cooperation are low in a group, it can lead to various problems, such as:

– Poor communication

– Conflict

– Competition

– Blame

– Isolation

– Turnover

According to Wrike, many of the factors that affect engagement, such as empowering employees, building bonds with other employees and leaders, and providing rewards and recognition, also impact morale. Therefore, it is important for managers to foster a culture of trust and cooperation in their groups by creating a safe, supportive, and respectful environment where group members can share their ideas, opinions, feelings, and concerns without fear of judgment or retaliation.

Some tips on how to build trust and cooperation in your group are:

– Lead by example by being honest, transparent, consistent, reliable, accountable, empathetic, and respectful.

– Encourage open communication by listening actively, asking questions, giving feedback, acknowledging contributions, resolving conflicts constructively.

– Promote collaboration by clarifying roles and responsibilities, facilitating teamwork skills,

providing tools and resources,

recognizing interdependence,

and celebrating diversity.

– Empower your group members by delegating authority,

encouraging autonomy,

providing opportunities for learning,

and supporting innovation.

Lack of recognition and feedback

A third trait that can harm group productivity and morale is the lack of recognition

and feedback. Recognition refers to the acknowledgment

and appreciation of the value

and contribution of group members

to the group’s goals

and performance. Feedback refers to the information

and guidance that managers provide

to group members

to help them improve their skills

and performance.

When recognition

and feedback are missing or inadequate in a group,

it can result in:

– Low self-esteem

– Low motivation

– Low performance

– Low satisfaction

According to Your Article Library,

a number of research studies reveal that there is no direct relationship between morale

and productivity. However,

high morale may lead to higher productivity but in some cases production may go down even. Therefore,

it is vital for managers to provide recognition

and feedback to their group members regularly

and effectively. This can help boost their confidence,



and satisfaction.

Some tips on how to give recognition

and feedback to your group members are:

– Be specific

and timely by highlighting the exact behavior

or outcome that you want to recognize

or improve

and doing it as soon as possible.

– Be positive

and constructive by focusing on the strengths

and achievements of your group members

and offering suggestions

and support for improvement.

– Be sincere

and genuine by expressing your gratitude

and appreciation sincerely

and genuinely

and avoiding exaggeration

or flattery.

– Be consistent

and fair by recognizing

and providing feedback to all your group members equally

and according to their performance

and contribution.


Group productivity and morale are two interrelated factors that can influence the success and satisfaction of any organization. However, not all traits that affect productivity and morale are positive. Some of them can actually damage the group’s effectiveness and happiness.

In this article, we have discussed some of the traits that are negatively related to group productivity and morale, such as lack of clear and shared goals, lack of trust and cooperation, and lack of recognition and feedback. We have also provided some tips on how to avoid or overcome these traits in your group.

By being aware of these traits and taking action to address them, you can improve your group’s productivity and morale, as well as your own.

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