Paramahansa Yogananda was a renowned Indian yogi and spiritual teacher who introduced millions of people to the teachings of meditation and Kriya Yoga. He was the author of the best-selling book Autobiography of a Yogi, which has been translated into many languages and is widely regarded as a spiritual classic. He founded the Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) and the Yogoda Satsanga Society of India (YSS) to spread his message of universal brotherhood and self-realization.
But how did this great master leave his physical body? What was the cause of his death? And what happened to his body after he died? These are some of the questions that have intrigued many followers and admirers of Yogananda over the years. In this article, we will try to shed some light on these mysteries and explore the facts and legends surrounding the yogi’s final moments.
The Banquet Speech
On March 7, 1952, Yogananda was invited to speak at a banquet honoring Dr. Binay R. Sen, the ambassador of India to the United States, at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. According to SRF, Yogananda had a premonition that this would be his last public appearance and he prepared a special speech for the occasion.
The speech was titled “The Cosmic Motion Picture” and it was a profound exposition of the nature of reality and the purpose of life. Yogananda explained how everything in creation is a manifestation of God’s cosmic dream and how human beings can awaken from this dream by realizing their true identity as souls. He also emphasized the importance of India’s spiritual heritage and its contribution to world peace and harmony.
Yogananda delivered his speech with great eloquence and enthusiasm, captivating the audience with his words and gestures. He received a standing ovation from the guests, who included many dignitaries and celebrities. He then proceeded to bless each person individually with a personal touch or a glance.
The Heart Failure
As he was blessing the last person in line, a tall man named James J. Lynn, who was one of his closest disciples and a vice-president of SRF, Yogananda suddenly collapsed on the podium. His body fell backward into Lynn’s arms, who gently lowered him to the floor.
According to SRF, Yogananda’s death was caused by heart failure. His heart stopped beating during his speech and he left his body consciously in a state of samadhi, or divine ecstasy. This was confirmed by his autopsy report, which stated that he died of “acute coronary occlusion” or a blockage in one of his coronary arteries.
However, some other sources have suggested different causes for his death. For example, according to Wikipedia, some reports claim that Yogananda suffered from “a ruptured aortic aneurysm” or a bulge in his main artery that burst. Another source, StarsUnfolded, says that some followers of SRF assert that Yogananda experienced “maha samadhi” or the conscious departure from the body of a yogi.
The Incorruptible Body
Whatever the cause of his death, what happened to Yogananda’s body after he died was nothing short of miraculous. According to SRF, his body remained in a state of perfect preservation for 20 days without any signs of decay or rigor mortis. His skin retained its natural color and elasticity, his eyes were clear and open, and his expression was serene and peaceful.
This phenomenon was witnessed by many people who visited his body at the SRF headquarters in Mount Washington, Los Angeles, where it was kept in a glass-covered casket. Among them were two officials from Forest Lawn Memorial Park cemetery, where Yogananda’s body was eventually interred. They wrote a notarized letter to SRF stating that they had never seen such a case of incorruptibility in their experience.
SRF claims that this was a sign of Yogananda’s spiritual attainment and his mastery over life and death. They also cite various scriptural references and historical examples of saints and yogis whose bodies remained intact after death as evidence of their divine grace.
However, some skeptics have challenged this claim and offered alternative explanations for Yogananda’s body preservation. For instance, according to Wikipedia, some critics have suggested that Yogananda’s body was embalmed or treated with chemicals or refrigeration to prevent decomposition. Another source, The Gold Scales, says that some factors such as low temperature, dry air, or lack of bacteria could have contributed to his body’s condition.
The Legacy
Regardless of the controversies surrounding his death, there is no doubt that Yogananda left behind a lasting legacy for humanity. His teachings have inspired millions of people from all walks of life and all faiths to seek God within themselves and to live in harmony with all creation. His organizations, SRF and YSS, continue to spread his message and his methods of meditation and Kriya Yoga around the world. His book, Autobiography of a Yogi, remains one of the most influential spiritual books of all time and has been adapted into various media forms, including a documentary film, Awake: The Life of Yogananda.
Yogananda’s death was not the end of his life, but rather a transition to a higher plane of existence. He once said, “You are walking on the earth as in a dream. Our world is a dream within a dream; you must realize that to find God is the only goal, the only purpose, for which you are here. For Him alone you exist. Him you must find.” He also promised that he would always be with his disciples and devotees in spirit and guide them to their ultimate goal of self-realization.