Impostume Cause of Death: A Forgotten Killer of the Past

What is Impostume?

Impostume is an old term for a swelling, cyst, or abscess, usually filled with pus or other putrescence. It can occur in various parts of the body, such as the lungs, brain, liver, or spleen. Impostume was a common cause of death in the past, especially in the 17th and 18th centuries, when hygiene and medicine were poor. According to Reddit, impostume was one of the causes of death in London in 1632, along with plague, fever, and worms.

How Does Impostume Kill?

Impostume can kill by causing infection, inflammation, and organ failure. For example, an impostume in the lungs can lead to pneumonia, tuberculosis, or empyema. An impostume in the brain can cause stroke, meningitis, or encephalitis. An impostume in the liver can result in hepatitis, cirrhosis, or liver cancer. An impostume in the spleen can cause splenomegaly, sepsis, or rupture. Impostume can also spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream, causing septicemia, gangrene, or death.

How Can Impostume Be Treated?

Impostume can be treated by draining the pus, removing the infected tissue, or administering antibiotics. However, these treatments were not widely available or effective in the past. Many people died of impostume before they could receive proper medical care. Some of the treatments that were used in the past were also harmful, such as bloodletting, leeches, or mercury. Impostume was often considered incurable or fatal, and sometimes attributed to divine punishment or witchcraft.

How Common is Impostume Today?

Impostume is very rare today, thanks to the advances in hygiene, medicine, and vaccination. Most of the diseases that cause impostume, such as smallpox, polio, and measles, have been eradicated or controlled. Impostume can still occur in some cases, such as in people with weakened immune systems, chronic diseases, or traumatic injuries. However, impostume can be easily diagnosed and treated with modern techniques and drugs. Impostume is no longer a major cause of death in the world. According to WHO, the top global causes of death in 2020 were cardiovascular, respiratory, and neonatal conditions.


Impostume cause of death was a serious threat to human health and life in the past, but it has been largely overcome by the progress of science and society. Impostume is now a historical curiosity, a reminder of the challenges and dangers that our ancestors faced. Impostume is also a metaphor for a person who is swollen with pride, corruption, or malice. Impostume cause of death is a topic that can teach us about the past, the present, and the future.

Doms Desk

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