Robert Malloy Cause of Death: How Kim Novak’s Husband of 44 Years Passed Away

Kim Novak, the star of the classic Hitchcock thriller Vertigo, lost her husband of 44 years, Robert Malloy, on November 27, 2020. He was 80 years old and died at their home in Eagle Point, Oregon. The former actress shared her grief and memories of her soulmate on social media and in an interview with Closer Weekly. Here is what we know about Robert Malloy’s cause of death and his life with Kim Novak.

Who Was Robert Malloy?

Robert Malloy was a veterinarian who met Kim Novak in 1974 when he was caring for her horses. They fell in love and married in 1976. They lived on a ranch in Oregon, where they raised Arabian horses and other animals. Malloy also supported Novak’s passion for painting and encouraged her to pursue her artistic dreams.

According to Novak’s website, Malloy had a wonderful sense of humor and loved animals. He was also an avid reader and enjoyed traveling with his wife. They visited many countries and cultures, including India, Egypt, China, Japan, and Australia. They also explored the US by RV and motorcycle.

How Did Robert Malloy Die?

The exact cause of Robert Malloy’s death has not been publicly revealed, but according to Novak’s Facebook post, he passed away peacefully at their home. She wrote: “My soulmate has passed on to greener pastures. For forty-five years we shared each other’s love and adventures. Now I must learn how to be satisfied with all those incredible, indelible memories!”

Novak also shared how she coped with her loss by painting his portrait. She said that it made her feel like he was there with her and that she painted him smiling to honor his great sense of humor. She also thanked her fans for their condolences and support.

How Did Kim Novak and Robert Malloy Meet?

Kim Novak and Robert Malloy met in 1974 when he was a veterinarian treating her horses. Novak had left Hollywood in 1966 after becoming disillusioned with the film industry and the media scrutiny. She moved to Big Sur, California, where she focused on painting and raising animals.

Novak had been married once before to English actor Richard Johnson, but they divorced after 13 months. She said that she was not suited to be married to another actor and that she wanted a more private life. She found that with Malloy, who shared her love for nature and art.

They married in 1976 in a small ceremony at their ranch. They had no children together, but Malloy had two sons from a previous marriage. Novak said that they had a happy marriage because they had a lot in common and respected each other’s differences.

What Was Kim Novak’s Career Like?

Kim Novak was one of the most popular actresses in the 1950s and 1960s. She starred in many films, including Picnic, The Man With the Golden Arm, Pal Joey, Bell Book and Candle, and Vertigo. She was known for her beauty, talent, and versatility.

Vertigo is considered one of the greatest films of all time and one of Novak’s best performances. She played the dual role of Madeleine Elster/Judy Barton, a mysterious woman who becomes the obsession of a former detective (James Stewart). Novak said that she identified with the character because she felt like she was always trying to please others and be someone else.

Novak retired from acting in 1966 after being unhappy with the roles she was offered and the pressure from the studios. She made a few comebacks in the 1970s and 1980s, appearing in films like The Mirror Crack’d and Liebestraum. Her last film role was in 1991’s The Children.

Novak has also been recognized for her paintings, which have been exhibited in galleries and museums around the world. She paints in various styles, including abstract expressionism, impressionism, surrealism, and realism. She often draws inspiration from her personal experiences, emotions, dreams, and spirituality.


Robert Malloy cause of death is still unknown, but he died peacefully at his home with his wife Kim Novak by his side. He was a veterinarian who loved animals and supported Novak’s artistic endeavors. They had a long and happy marriage that lasted for 44 years.

Novak is a former actress who starred in many films, including Vertigo, one of the greatest movies ever made. She retired from acting in 1966 and devoted herself to painting and raising animals. She has been praised for her paintings, which reflect her inner world.

Novak mourned her husband by painting his portrait and sharing her memories with her fans. She said that he was her soulmate and that she will miss him dearly.

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