What If..? is an American animated superhero series created by A C Bradley. It reimagines significant events from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) with different endings that could potentially change the whole course of the world. Some of these are endings that fans would have probably preferred over the original endings if it meant their favorite superheroes would still be alive.
MCU is an American multimillion-dollar media franchise that has produced many hit superhero movies like the Avengers series, Captain Marvel, Ironman, etc. This is the first time they have dabbled into the realm of animated TV series. What If..? has been getting great reviews and lots of viewership. Fans wait patiently for every new episode and discuss all it once it is out! This is the first season of What If..? 8 episodes are currently out. The 8th episode aired on 29th September 2021, on Disney Plus. And What If Episode 9 will mark the end of the 1st season
Episode 8 Recap
What if..? episode 8 is titled What If… Ultron Won?
The episode was technically a prequel to What If…? episode 7 which was titled What If…Thor were an only child? Episode 8 explored the possibility of Ultron winning, meaning if he had been successful in creating an organic vibranium body for himself. In the alternate universe, the Avengers actually stole it to create Vision, the hero.
In this episode, Ultron used the power of the Mind Stone, which is one of the six infinity stones, to wipe out all of the humanity in his world. Thanos arrived and tried to steal it from him but Ultron killed him too and also took the other 5 infinity stones from him.
Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, and Carol Danvers were the only Avengers left and they tried to defeat Ultron but failed to do so. Ultron found out about the multiverses and left to try and conquer them as well.
For the first time in the series, we saw The Watcher, when he got attacked by Ultron who was on a killing spree.
When The Watcher got defeated, he was forced to back off and ask the almighty Strange Supreme for help.
The episode ended with that.
Let’s take a look at what we can expect from the series finale!
What If..? Episode 9- Release Date And Plot
What If Episode 9 will be released on Disney Plus on October 6th, 2021.
It will be the final episode of season 1. Everybody is geared up for an intense finale!
What If Episode 9 launches at midnight PST, which is 3 am ET, 8 am BST, and 12:30 pm IST.
Not much has been revealed about the final episode, presumably so that fans are shocked by what they see and the makers can really pack a punch with an unexpected and intense ending after the previous episode ended on a cliffhanger.
What we do know though, is that a crossover is likely. Characters from previous episodes will feature in What If Episode 9… possibly on The Watcher’s team.
Renewal Status
Though What If Episode 9 is the last episode of the season, but in a recent interview the directors of the series said that there were originally 10 episodes and the last episode was a light-hearted episode on Tony Stark. The episode was however shifted to the second season due to the Covid-19 pandemic. But fans need not worry! The makers have already confirmed that a season 2 is in the making which will have another 9 episodes.