We all know what is happening in our world today. People are suffering and dying. Ukrainians are crying for help. Amid all this tension, some are bombarding our minds with such fake rumors. Some are claiming Vladimir Putin is dead. Before you believe that, let me stop you right there! The man who rules Russia is very much alive. The man who attacked Ukraine is not dead. The rumors are creating chaos all over the internet. As per our inner sources, Putin is underground. That man who has bombed thousands of people out there. Stay tuned with us, to know all about it, just right here!
Will This War End? Can Ukrainian Survive Through The Bomb Attacks?
The world is waiting for this answer. We all are praying for the Ukrainians. So far 2000 civilians have lost their life. The world is ready to hold Russia accountable for Vladimir Putin’s brutal action. NATO is ready to defend its allies. But the real question is will the Ukrainians survive through the war? They need more soldiers. They need help. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said the army has killed 9,000 Russian troops. But the Russian news site has denied the statement. They have clearly mentioned only 498 Russian troops have died in the war zone.
Thousands of Ukrainians were forced to leave their native land. We lost so many lives. People all over the world are angry with the Russian president. People are marching for the Ukrainians. They are voicing up against Vladimir Putin. Zelenskyy is continuously asking for help. More than 100 countries stand by Ukraine. But when will this suffering end? When will the Ukrainians get help? The Ukrainian president has joined the armed forces. He is fighting to save his country. The civilians of Ukraine have come together, they have taken up weapons. Recently, the Russian forces have bombed Ukraine’s nuclear plant! Is Russia planning a nuclear attack on Ukraine? This needs to stop immediately.
Where Is Vladimir Putin? Is He Dead?
Thousands of people are suffering in Ukraine. The Russian president Vladimir Putin is responsible for this. Russia is clearly trying to capture Ukraine. Amid all of this tension, Putin has refused to come out. The crowd is angry. People are ready to support Ukraine, they want to join the war! On the other hand of the tale, Vladimir Putin is underground. Some sources claim Russia is planning for a nuclear attack. We all know how drastic it can be.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy is worried for his country. He needs help. The country demands immediate actions against Russia. But where is Putin? The man who killed thousands, the man who is planning to capture Ukraine, is not coming in front of the crowd. Putin is answerable to the world. The common civilians will not let him walk away from his deeds. Some sources even claim the Russian civilians are also angry about Putin’s actions. We will keep you updated about this particular topic. That’s all for now, to get the latest updates on Ukraine, stay connected with us, just right here.