Twiggle, a renowned Spelunky 2 speedrunner and world record holder, passed away at the age of 25 earlier this week. His real name was Matthew Joseph Julian, and he was known for his amazing achievements in the action platformer roguelike games Spelunky and Spelunky 2. He was the first to achieve and the current world record holder for reaching 7-99 the fastest in the non Cosmic Ocean category of Spelunky 2. He also held the record for the highest score in the same category, with over $6 million collected.
The News of His Death
The news of Twiggle’s death was shared by his friend XanaGear, a modder and fellow speedrunner, on Twitter and Discord. XanaGear wrote that he was “at a total loss for words” and urged people to reach out to their loved ones and tell them that they care for them. He also posted some of his favorite memories of playing with Twiggle, such as reaching the Cosmic Ocean online together and cloning the eggplant crown in Eggplant World.
Twiggle’s family also paid tribute to him in an obituary, saying that he “was very sensitive and kind, and a peacemaker. He was a blessing to all who knew him.” He was survived by his parents, his young nephew Adam, and his two pet dogs Molly and Lola.
The Cause of His Death
The cause of Twiggle’s death has not been officially confirmed by his family or authorities. However, some have suggested that suicide may have been the cause of death, based on some of his tweets and messages before his passing. For example, on June 29, he tweeted “I’m sorry” with a broken heart emoji. On July 1, he wrote “I love you all” on Discord.
Twiggle had also opened up about his struggles with depression and anxiety in the past. In a video from 2020, he said that he had been dealing with mental health issues for most of his life, and that Spelunky 2 had helped him cope with them. He also thanked his fans and friends for their support and encouragement.
The Legacy He Left Behind
Twiggle’s death has sent shockwaves in the speedrunning and Spelunky communities, but an outpouring of friends and supporters have come out to share their condolences and appreciation for him. Many have praised his skill, creativity, and generosity as a speedrunner and a person. Some have also donated to mental health charities in his honor.
Twiggle’s legacy will live on forever in his videos, records, and achievements in Spelunky 2. He was one of the best players in the world, and inspired many others to try out the game and challenge themselves. He will be sorely missed by everyone who knew him or watched him play.