Tomodachi Game, also known as Friends Games, is a psychological thriller anime based on the manga series of the same name by Yuki Sato. The anime follows Yuuichi Katagiri, a high school student who values friendship above all else. He and his four close friends are forced to participate in a series of twisted games that test their bonds and morals. The winner of each game can earn a large sum of money, while the losers face dire consequences.
The anime debuted on April 6, 2022, and concluded on June 22, 2022, with 12 episodes. The first season adapted the first six volumes of the manga, leaving 14 more volumes for potential future seasons. The anime received positive reviews from critics and fans alike for its gripping plot, intriguing characters, and dark themes. However, the anime also faced some criticism for its low-quality animation and fast-paced storytelling.
Since the first season ended on a cliffhanger, with Yuuichi severely injured and his friends vowing to rescue Shibe from the kidnappers, many fans are eagerly waiting for news on the second season. However, as of January 2023, there has been no official announcement from the studio Okuruto Noboru or any other party involved in the production of the anime regarding its renewal or cancellation.
There are several factors that could influence the fate of Tomodachi Game season 2. One of them is the availability of source material. As mentioned earlier, there are still 14 volumes of the manga that have not been adapted into anime yet. This means that there is enough material for at least two more seasons of the anime. Moreover, the manga is still ongoing, with new chapters being released monthly. Therefore, the source material is not a limiting factor for the continuation of the anime.
Another factor that could affect the chances of Tomodachi Game season 2 is the popularity and demand for the anime. According to some online platforms, such as MyAnimeList and IMDb, the anime has received good ratings and reviews from viewers. The anime has also generated some buzz on social media platforms, such as Reddit and Twitter, where fans have expressed their opinions and expectations for the second season. Additionally, the manga has also gained more attention and recognition after the anime adaptation, which could boost its sales and fanbase.
A third factor that could indicate the possibility of Tomodachi Game season 2 is the live-action adaptation of the manga. In June 2022, it was announced that a new live-action TV drama series based on Tomodachi Game would be produced by TV Tokyo and star members of Johnny & Associates’ idol groups Beautiful Boy (Bishounen) and HiHi Jets. The live-action series is set to premiere in April 2023 and will cover the first three games of the manga. This could be seen as a sign of confidence and interest in the franchise by TV Tokyo, which also aired the anime series. It could also serve as a way to promote and gauge the popularity of Tomodachi Game among a wider audience.
Therefore, based on these factors, we can conclude that Tomodachi Game season 2 is not impossible but rather unlikely in the near future. The studio may be waiting for more feedback and data from the live-action series before making a decision on the second season of the anime. Alternatively, they may have other projects or priorities that prevent them from working on Tomodachi Game season 2 at this time. However, we can still hope that someday we will get to see Yuuichi and his friends return to our screens and continue their thrilling journey in Tomodachi Game season 2.