The Way of the Househusband, which is based on the same-named manga by Kousuke Oono, centers on Tatsu, a feared yakuza boss dubbed “the Immortal Dragon” who was once followed by the character. In order to assist his wife Miku, who is devoted to her career, Tatsu gives up his life of crime. He uses his skills to help Miku around the house and with other household chores. A live-action television drama based on the manga was already produced; it aired on Nippon TV in Japan in late 2020 for a total of 10 episodes. The summer of 2022 saw the premiere of a live-action Way of the Househusband feature film. In this article, we shall discuss The Way of the Househusband Season 2.
The Way of the Househusband: An Animation was adapted by Netflix into the first season that was divided into two halves, each with five episodes. April 2021 saw the release of Part 1, and October 2021 saw the release of Part 2. “He was the yakuza’s most brutal member and left a trail of innumerable legends in the criminal underground. He was known as “The Immortal Dragon.” The official summary of the anime states. But one day he made the decision to forego it all and follow the path of the househusband rather! This pleasant yakuza comedy opens its curtains!”
Season 2 set to bring something new to the fans
The Way of the Househusband comic book series was well appreciated, although the anime adaptation garnered some flak for its sparse animation. Although it was undoubtedly done on a tight budget, the limited animation is really a specific type that’s most frequently used with four-panel comic adaptations like this one (the series sarcastically refers to itself as “voiced manga” in the first episode). The show garnered generally excellent reviews from those who could get beyond the animation, and many of them rejoiced when it was announced that The Way of the Househusband Season 2 is happening, even though it would be animated in a similar manner.
The Way of the Househusband Season 2 Release date
Fans of the show will have to wait a bit for new episodes because The Way of the Househusband Season 2 was approved in April, even though it will only contain five episodes, like its predecessor. The second season of the program hasn’t been given an official premiere date, but viewers are unlikely to see more until 2022 at the earliest. The second season of an animated series is probably going to be released to fans by mid-to-late 2022 because animated series, especially ones that are traditionally animated, are known to require long lead times due to production issues. Early 2023 could also be a possibility, but it’s extremely unlikely that fans will have to wait that long for The Way of the Househusband Season 2.
The Expected Cast of the Anime
It’s likely that the English dub cast will return for The Way of the Househusband Season 2, even though the cast of the first season hasn’t yet agreed to continue filming the second series of episodes.
This cast also features Ben Pronsky as Torajir, a rival yakuza boss whose gang was dismantled by Tatsu and who now runs a crepe truck after being released from prison; Jonah Scott as Tatsu; Laura Post as Miku; Andres Paul Ramacho as Masa; Melissa Greenspan as Hibari Torii; and Laura Stahl as Gin, Miku and Tatu’s cat, who offers commentary on her owners’ lives when they’re not home to hear. Additional voices for the program were contributed by Keith Silverstein, Barbara Goodson, Billy Kametz, and Jason Marnocha; it’s likely that they’ll return to contribute more voice work.
The Plot of the Upcoming Season
Because the episodes of the show frequently mix the reality (Tatsu celebrates his birthday, goes grocery shopping, and becomes fixated on eliminating a cockroach that has infested his home) with the fantastical (Tatsu engages in a cook-off with his now-professional chef former yakuza rival, finds himself under investigation by the police who don’t believe he’s come clean and must use his abilities as “the Immortal Tatsu” to play company party Santa Claus or obtain his wife’).
Expect more adventures from Gin, whose intelligence is kept a secret from her owners, more one-off adventures from Tatsu, who can handle the world, and a little more about Miku’s career in design, but a lot more about her devoted marriage to Tatsu in The Way of the Househusband Season 2. Miku’s father was introduced to us in the fourth episode of the show, so it’s probable that both Miku and Tatsu’s family members will pay us more visits. The couple will probably also continue to travel while coping with Tatsu’s past. They’ll probably be charmed by whatever the show has in store for the viewers.
Follow Dominique Clare for more updates.
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