Star Trek 4 Release Date Confirmed? Is Chris Hemsworth returning?

Space adventures movies are the movies that were loved by fans. One of those space adventure movie franchises is Star Trek. There are many movies of Star Trek, but we are focusing on the Star Trek movie which has the character Admiral James Kirk. There were three parts to the Star Trek movie and fans loved the movies. This timeline movie of Star Trek has a very huge fan base. Now, fans were waiting for the fourth part for a very long time. Did fans were getting the fourth part of the movie? Continue reading to know more about Star Trek 4.

Fans have witnessed many epic space adventures movies, as they have also witnessed this movie franchise that is Star Trek. There were three parts of the movie Star Trek, Star Trek: Into the darkness, and Star Trek: Beyond. All three movies have won the hearts of fans and for that reason, it has great ratings. The first movie of Star Trek has got an IMDB rating of 7.9 out of 10 and a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 94%. Star Trek: Into Darkness got an IMDB rating of 7.7 out of 10 and a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 84%. The third part of the movie that is Star Trek: Beyond got an IMDB rating of 7 out of 10 and a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 86%. These ratings show how much fans loved this film series. Now, fans want to add another movie of Star Trek to the film series. As fans wanted the fourth part of the movie. There are some problems regarding the movie. But, will the fourth part of the movie is going to happen if it is going to happen what will be its release date, and what will be its cast? There are many questions in your mind but don’t we will make you updated. You can watch the previous three movies of Star Trek on Netflix.

Is another Star Trek movie confirmed?

This is one of the big questions regarding the Star Trek movies is the movie happening? Because this thing will decide whether the next movie will going to come or not. Fortunately, the movie Star Trek was renewed for the fourth part. Back in February 2022, Paramount announced that the movie Star Trek four is going to happen and it was also told that Star Trek 4 will release on December 2023.

What is the release date of Star Trek 4?

The release date of the fourth part of the movie is something that haunts the fans as the release date of Star Trek 4 is not yet fixed. The first part of the movie was released back in 2009. The second part of Star Trek was released in 2013. And the third part was released just three years after the second part in 2016. And from then the wait for the fourth part continues. When the movie was announced at that time the release date was also scheduled as it was scheduled for December 2023. However, the fourth part of Star Trek has been indefinitely delayed by Paramount and also removed from their slate for the upcoming movies. There are some problems arising in the fourth part of the movie.

What are the problems that are arising for Star Trek 4?

Some problems are arising for Star Trek 4. But, what are those problems? The first problem is after being left out of J.J. Abrams and then Justin Linn. The franchise hired the director Matt Shakman who directed the first Marvel series which is connected to Marvel Cinematic Universe that is WandaVision. However, Matt Shakman has also left out the movie as he got another Marvel Studios project in his hands which is Fantastic Four. And the second problem is the cast. The cast is a very important thing to every movie, and that thing is making a problem for Star Trek fans as the main cast of the movie hasn’t signed the contract of the project, while it is also not yet confirmed whether the script is full or not. However, there was a rumor of Chris Hemsworth returning in the upcoming movie as George Kirk. There are no official confirmations about the cancellation of the movie, but there are chances of cancellation of the movie after it got announced to be renewed.

Fans are worried about Star Trek 4 as there are many problems with the movie. The movie was scheduled to be released in December 2023. However, there is time to come in December 2023, but a movie needs many things, and the main thing that takes times of 4-5 months that is filming. As the cast of the movie has not yet signed so there is a long process left and the director of the movie was also left out. Fans are hoping that the movie should release whenever it will be whether it be in 2023 or 2026.

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Danish Molla

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