Prison School is a popular shonen manga series penned by Akira Hiramoto. The manga series was released back in the year 2011. Four years later, the highly popular teenage manga series was converted into a beautiful anime tale. But sadly, we still don’t have any updates on Prison School season 2. Six years passed but we are still clueless and confused about the second installment of the anime tale. The creative team is absolutely silent on Prison School season 2. Anime fans loved the concept of Prison School season 1. They are eagerly waiting to learn about the show. So let’s not stretch the matter further and quickly jump into the main discussion of the day.
When Will Prison School Season 2 be Released?
This happens to be the most asked question out there. As of now, we still don’t have a concrete release date for Prison School season 2. The first season of the popular anime series was penned by Michiko Yokote. The show was produced by J.C. Staff studio, in collaboration with Tsutomu Mizushima. As per our inner sources, we did hear something about the second installment of the show. It is still very much in talk. Some sources even claimed the show has been officially renewed by the authorities! But as of now, the authorities are still quiet about the rumors out there.
Is Season 2 Cancelled or Renewed?
Prison School season 2 is surely not canceled! The manga series comprised more than 200 chapters. Only the first 80 chapters were showcased in Prison School season 1. Along with praise, the show has also received a bunch of criticism out there. But we cannot ignore the fact, that the show had developed a huge fan base out there. Moreover, the official cancellation announcement of the show is also pending. As of now, we cannot predict the future of Prison school season 2. As per studies, there is still a lot of material left for the anime tale! So, there is still a lot of scopes left for season 2. Most of the sources claim the show has been renewed. If the rumor is true, then you might see season 2 by the end of 2023 or 2024.
What Is The Probable Plot Of Prison School Season 2?
The first season of the popular anime series was centered around the first 80 chapters of the manga tale. As of now, we still don’t know the exact storyline of Prison School season 2. But if we follow the original manga series, we might figure out the plot of Prison School season 2. As per our guesses, the next installment of the anime show will cover the next 80 chapters of the popular manga tale. The first season of the anime series opened with Hachimitsu Academy, an elite high school exclusively designed for girls living in Tokyo.
The well-known academy is filled with a ton of rules and regulations. To everyone’s surprise, the girls studying in the academy weren’t even allowed to date a boy! But a twist was waiting for all of us. Soon the school granted admission to the boys. But shockingly only five male students were admitted to the Academy. The five boys soon became close to one another. Their friendship was growing day by day. But things soon turned upside down, when the boys were caught spying on the women’s toilets! Thus, we come to the ultimatum of the tale, the difficult punishment.
Kiyoshi and Chiyo’s growing chemistry and friendship were highly enjoyed by the audience but it was surely not liked by Kiyoshi’s friends. Soon there was a crack in the boy gang. Can they ever get out of this prison? Chaos and confusion prevail everywhere. If you still haven’t watched the first season of the show, then what are you waiting for? Learn everything about Prison School season 1 exclusively just on Crunchyroll.
In the next season of the show, we will surely see more romance and friendship. The three lead members of the Academy, the President, vice president, and the secretary are now in Prison! They have been replaced. A bunch of twists and turns are surely waiting for us in Prison School season 2. To get new updates on exciting manga and anime series, stay connected with us, just right here.
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