Peter Lazer Actor Cause of Death: A Farewell to a Versatile Talent


Peter Lazer, a talented actor known for his work in film and television, left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry. His diverse roles showcased his versatility, but tragically, his life was cut short by undisclosed circumstances.

The Journey of a Character Actor

Born on April 12, 1946, in New York City, Peter Lazer made a significant impact during the 1950s as a TV juvenile actor. His career spanned both stage and screen, leaving an impression on audiences. Lazer’s ability to seamlessly transition between sympathetic and intriguing characters set him apart.

From Screen to Stage

Lazer’s filmography includes notable works such as “Shirley Temple’s Storybook,” “Hombre,” and “Kraft Theatre.” His performances resonated with viewers, whether he played a hero or a villain. His presence on screen was magnetic, capturing the essence of each character he portrayed.

A Private Struggle

Behind the scenes, Lazer faced personal battles that remained undisclosed. His son, Benjamin Lazer, born in Woodstock, NY, followed a different path, becoming a professional poker player. On November 14, 2008, Peter Lazer passed away in Woodstock, New York, leaving fans mourning the loss of a versatile talent.


Peter Lazer’s cause of death remains a mystery, but his legacy lives on through his memorable performances. As we bid farewell to this remarkable actor, we celebrate the moments he shared with us on screen, forever etched in our hearts.

Doms Desk

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