One Piece is one of the most popular and longest-running manga series in the world, with over 1000 chapters and counting. The story follows Monkey D. Luffy, a young pirate who dreams of becoming the King of the Pirates by finding the legendary treasure One Piece. Along his journey, he meets and befriends various characters who join his crew, the Straw Hat Pirates. Together, they face many enemies and challenges in their quest to reach the final island of Laugh Tale.
The manga is currently in its final saga, the Wano Country Arc, which involves a massive war between the Straw Hat Pirates and their allies against the Beast Pirates led by Kaido, one of the Four Emperors of the Sea. However, the story also shifts to other events happening around the world, such as the Reverie, a meeting of the world’s kings and queens that takes place every four years.
The latest chapter of One Piece, chapter 1084, revealed some shocking information about the history of the world and the mysterious ruler of the World Government, Im-sama. It also showed the fate of Nefertari Cobra, the king of Alabasta who was assassinated by someone during the Reverie. Fans are eagerly waiting for the next chapter to find out more details about these revelations and how they will affect the future of One Piece.
Here is everything you need to know about One Piece chapter 1085, including its release date, spoilers and more.
Release Date
According to EpicStream, One Piece chapter 1085 is set to be released on June 4, 2023, in regions such as the US, the UK, and Europe. In Japan, Chapter 1085 will come out on June 5, 2023, at 12:00 AM JST. The chapter will be available on platforms like Viz Media and Manga Plus.
The specific release time may vary depending on your location, so be sure to stay tuned and catch the highly anticipated chapter for different locations at the following times:
- Pacific Time: 7:00 PM
- Mountain Time: 8:00 PM
- Central Time: 9:00 PM
- Eastern Time: 10:00 PM
- British Time: 3:00 AM
- European Time: 4:00 AM
- Indian Time: 7:30 AM
- Philippine Time: 11:00 PM
One Piece chapter 1085 will most likely pick up from the scene of Im-sama sitting on the Empty Throne. It will also tell fans more about Queen Lili, the ruler of Alabasta from the Void Century. Queen Lili is an important historical figure since she penned the letter “D.”.
Furthermore, now that Nefertari Cobra has learned about Im-sama’s existence, One Piece chapter 1085 will finally reveal the truth behind his death. The most likely culprits are either one of the Five Elders or Im-sama himself.
Judging by Sabo’s picture in the newspaper, where he’s standing beside Cobra’s body, he will certainly appear in the upcoming chapter. Sabo witnessed Cobra’s death and saw Im-sama sitting on the throne. Therefore, the most reasonable explanation behind the misunderstanding is that the Five Elders are using him as a scapegoat to cover up the assassination of Alabasta’s beloved king.
Furthermore, since Sabo is a high-ranking member of the Revolutionary Army who knows about the world’s greatest secret, the World Government is more desperate than ever to annihilate him. Luckily, Sabo is strong enough to make it back alive.
We’ll update this space once we know more about the next chapter of One Piece.