Who was Nick Duffy Fudge?
Nick Duffy Fudge was a star of the National Geographic reality show Wicked Tuna, which follows the lives of tuna fishermen in the Atlantic Ocean. He was the first mate of the Pinwheel, captained by Tyler McLaughlin. He also appeared in the spin-off series Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks. He was known for his fishing skills, his adventurous spirit, and his sense of humor.
When and how did he die?
Nick Duffy Fudge died on July 19, 2018, just days before his 29th birthday. His obituary stated that he died from “unexpected causes”. The Greenland, New Hampshire police are investigating the cause of his death, but no official statement has been released yet.
However, some local fishermen have speculated that he may have suffered from decompression sickness, also known as “the bends”. This is a condition that affects divers who resurface too quickly, causing nitrogen bubbles to form in their blood and tissues. This can lead to symptoms such as dizziness, joint pain, paralysis, or even death. According to Looper1, decompression sickness is a “perilously common affliction in scuba and deep-sea divers”.
How did his family and friends react?
Nick Duffy Fudge left behind a loving family, including his parents, his brother, and his girlfriend. His obituary described him as a person who “treasured the environment and he took seriously his responsibility to protect it”. His family also asked for donations to be made to the Nicholas “Duffy” Fudge Memorial Fund, which supports environmental preservation and education.
His friends and colleagues on Wicked Tuna were devastated by his loss. The National Geographic Channel and Pilgrim Studios, the producers of the show, expressed their condolences on social media. They also aired a moment of silence in his honor during an episode of the show. Captain Tyler McLaughlin, his friend and boss, said that he was “heartbroken” by Duffy’s death. He also said that he and his crew “persevered” and continued fishing in Duffy’s memory.
What is his legacy?
Nick Duffy Fudge was a beloved member of the Wicked Tuna community and a talented fisherman. He inspired many fans with his passion and his personality. He will be remembered for his smile, his fearlessness, his mischievous sense of humor, and his big hugs. He will also be remembered for his contribution to the conservation of the tuna population and the marine ecosystem. He was a role model for many young anglers who aspire to follow his footsteps. He will be greatly missed by his family, his friends, and his fans.