My Hero Academia (僕のヒーローアカデミア) is a Japanese superhero manga series written and illustrated by Kōhei Horikoshi. The manga has also been adapted into a TV series by Bones. Its first season aired in Japan from April to June 2016, followed by a second season from April to September 2017. A third season aired from April to September 2018 and a fourth season from October 2019 to April 2020. The fifth season ran from March to September 2021, and a sixth season is in the works so clearly, the show has been a huge success with audiences! So, when is My Hero Academia Chapter 333 Releasing?
My Hero Academia follows Izuku Midoriya, a young boy with superpowers. He lives in a world where everybody has superpowers, but he wants to be above them all too and be known as a superhero. These superpowers are called “quirks” and there is a great variety of quirks that people can have. What’s interesting is that two people cannot have the same superpowers. They are all unique.
My Hero Academia Characters
- Izuku Midoriya
- Katsuki Bakugo
- Ochaco Uraraka
- Tenya Ida
- Shoto Todoroki
- Eijiro Kirishima
- Tsuyu Asui
- Momo Yaoyorozu
- Minoru Mineta
- Denki Kaminari
- Kyoka Jiro
- Fumikage Tokoyami
- Mina Ashido
- Yuga Aoyama
- Mezo Shoji
- Hanta Sero
- Mashirao Ojiro
- Koji Koda
- Rikido Sato
- Toru Hagakure
My Hero Academia Manga
The show is based on a manga series by Kohei Horikoshi. It is not yet complete and new chapters are uploaded at regular intervals. You can read new chapters online on and other manga websites too. My Hero Academia’s chapters are also published online on Shueisha’s online magazine and Shonen Jump.
The series has been serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump since July 2014. My Hero Academia won a Harvey award in 2019 for Best Manga.
There are also over 50 million copies in circulation worldwide.
There are 332 chapters of My Hero Academia on the internet as of now. Chapter 333 will be coming very soon.
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My Hero Academia Chapter 333 Release Date And Time
My Hero Academia chapter 333 will release on 14th November 2021. New chapters are released every Sunday.
My Hero Academia chapter 333 will release at different times in different countries due to the major time difference. Here are the release times for a few countries-
- Japan – 1:00 AM, November 15th
- India – 9:30 PM, November 14th
- USA / Canada – 10:00 AM, November 14th
- UK – 4:00 PM, November 14th
- CES (Europe) – 5:00 PM, November 14th
The wait isn’t too long now! Tune in at the respective times to read My Hero Academia’s latest chapter- chapter 333.
My Hero Academia Chapter 332 Recap
My Hero Academia chapter 332 is about Stars and Stripes. She is sad because she feels weak and is trying to figure out why that is the case. She thinks it does not have anything to do with her quirk but in fact, is a lot to do with the fact that she is a woman. She thinks she is weak because she is a woman.
Her friends try to convince her that she does not lack anything and is stronger than she knows.
Shigaraki finally realizes she’s playing a game and it’s going to go back and forth.