Marvel didn’t show Gorr the God Butcher in Thor Love and Thunder teaser because it might leak Moon Knight Finale – Rumor Explained

Marvel has finally dropped the teaser of Thor: Love and Thunder. In that teaser, we get to see many things but not the Gorr The God Butcher. In fact, Marvel gave us fans no clue about Gorr The God Butcher in Thor: Love and Thunder teaser.

The teaser of Thor Love and Thunder was a great teaser. We see some new looks of Thor, a look of Zeus, King Valkyrie, and the Jane Foster as Mighty Thor. But we didn’t get to see the most exciting villain Gorr The God Butcher. As Marvel has not sent a clue of Gorr The God Butcher. Marvel fans hoping that they can see Gorr The God Butcher in the official trailer of Thor Love and Thunder. As a result, fans loved the teaser.

Why we didn’t see Gorr the God Butcher in the Thor Love and Thunder teaser?

Marvel Studios Thor Love and Thunder are going to be the fourth standalone film of Thor. It breaks the trilogy formula of Marvel. After waiting for the teaser for many days Marvel gave fans the teaser of Thor Love and Thunder but not a single glimpse of Gorr The God Butcher which fans are waiting to see for a long. But why we didn’t see Gorr The God Butcher in the Thor Love and Thunder teaser? as Marvel doesn’t want to spoil the hype of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness or does Marvel want to hide the main villain character of the film for some time as he might be getting introduces in the Moon Knight series or in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Gorr The God Butcher is a character whose fans are waiting for a lot as Marvel smartly didn’t tease Gorr The God Butcher in the teaser. Fans are hoping that they get Gorr The God Butcher in the upcoming trailer of Thor Love and Thunder.

About Gorr The God Butcher

Gorr The God Butcher is a supervillain of Thor who appeared in the Marvel comics created by Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic. Gorr was born on the planet with no name. On his planet Knull accidentally crashed while fighting with a golden armored god. Knull had All-Black the Necrosword. Gorr took the Necrosword and killed the gold armored god and became the God Butcher. He also killed the time god and bathed with his blood and travels all over the time. He also made a God Bomb destroy all the Gods. He is a very powerful supervillain who is going to appear in Thor Love and Thunder.

Now speaking about Marvel Cinematic Universe, If you have been following the Moon Knight series, then you must know that there is an entire Pantheon of Egyptian Gods there. And according to several fans out there, Gorr the God Butcher might appear in the series finale of Moon Knight, putting an end to the entire Pantheon of Egyptian Gods in order to get something that might be the MCU version of God Bomb. And, this is quite a legit reason for Marvel to not give us a glimpse at Gorr the God Butcher to avoid heavy spoilers for the Moon Knight finale.

Fans wanted to see the teaser of Thor Love and Thunder and they get it as Marvel releases the teaser. This teaser didn’t give so much detail but we all love the teaser. Fans are surprised as they didn’t see Gorr The God Butcher in the teaser as Marvel didn’t give a clue about Gorr The God Butcher. While we expected to get a first look at Gorr, we got to see Mighty Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy, Korg, King Valkyrie, Thor, and Zeus. Fans are happy to see the teaser as they can’t wait to see the next trailer and the movie. Thor Love and Thunder are set to release in theatres in July 2022.

Danish Molla

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