Lorraine Thomas Cause of Death: How a Wife Got Away with Murdering Two Husbands

The Mysterious Death of Albert Thomas

Lorraine Thomas was the wife of Albert Thomas, a truck driver who was found shot to death in his cab in Moreno Valley, California, on November 4, 2009. The police initially suspected a robbery, but they had no leads or evidence to identify the killer. Lorraine and her daughter, Briuana Hunter, claimed to have no idea who could have harmed Albert, who was described as a hard-working and lovable man.

However, when the police contacted Albert’s family in Mississippi, they learned a shocking fact: Lorraine’s first husband, Allen Brown, was also shot to death in California in 1996. The case was never solved, and Lorraine collected a large life insurance payout after his death. Albert’s family suspected that Lorraine had something to do with both murders, and that she was after Albert’s insurance policy as well.

The police then discovered that Lorraine had lied about not knowing about Albert’s policy, and that she had called his employer soon after his death to inquire about it. However, they still had no proof of her involvement, and the case went cold for almost two years.

The Unexpected Confession of Briuana Hunter

In August 2011, the police received a surprising phone call from Briuana Hunter, Lorraine’s daughter. She confessed that she was the one who shot and killed Albert Thomas, and that her mother had planned the whole thing. She said that Lorraine had convinced her that Albert was abusive and that they needed to get rid of him. She also said that Lorraine had promised to split the insurance money with her, but never did.

Briuana told the police that on the night of the murder, she followed Albert to his truck, waited for him to get inside, and then shot him four times with a .38 caliber handgun that Lorraine had given her. She then drove away and disposed of the gun and her clothes. She said that she had been living with guilt and fear ever since, and that she wanted to come clean.

The police arrested Lorraine and Briuana, and searched their home. They found evidence that linked them to the murder, such as receipts, phone records, and a letter from Lorraine to Briuana that instructed her on how to kill Albert. They also found out that Lorraine had been having an affair with another man, and that she had taken out another life insurance policy on him.

The Trial and Sentencing of Lorraine and Briuana

Lorraine and Briuana were charged with first-degree murder and conspiracy, with special circumstances of lying in wait and killing for financial gain. They pleaded not guilty, and their trial began in 2017. The prosecution presented the evidence and testimony from Briuana, who agreed to cooperate in exchange for a plea deal. The defense argued that Briuana was lying, and that she had acted alone out of jealousy and resentment towards Albert.

The jury deliberated for less than a day, and found Lorraine and Briuana guilty of all charges. Lorraine was sentenced to death, and Briuana was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The judge called their crime “cold, calculated, and cruel”, and said that they had shown no remorse or empathy for their victim.

Lorraine Thomas cause of death was a result of her own greed and manipulation, which led her to murder two of her husbands for their insurance money. She is currently on death row at the Central California Women’s Facility, while her daughter is serving her life sentence at the same prison.

This summary is based on the web search results from Wendy’s® Blog and The Cinemaholic. For more information, please refer to the original sources.

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