Land Of The Lustrous Season 2 Release Date, Cast and Plot

Land of The Lustrous, also known as Houseki No Kuni, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Haruko Ichikawa. The series was adapted into an animated TV show by Studio Orange and was first aired in October 2017. The anime was a critical and commercial success and quickly gained a massive fan following. The show received high praise for its stunning illustrations, complex plot, and well-developed characters. With the first season coming to an end, fans have been eagerly waiting for the release of Land of The Lustrous Season 2.

Source Material

Land of The Lustrous is based on a manga series that has been serialized in Kodansha’s Monthly Afternoon magazine since 2012. The manga has been well-received by fans and has a large following. The first season of the anime covered the first four volumes of the manga, and as of 2021, there is an aggregate of 14 volumes of the manga series. This provides ample source material for the creation of multiple seasons of the anime.

The Story So Far

The series follows the story of a group of beings called the Lustrous, who are crystalline life forms with unique capacities, living in a world where they’re constantly under attack from moon dwellers. Phosphophyllite, the youthful and most fragile member of the Lustrous, is tasked with the creation of an encyclopedic florilegium of their world, but as they embark on their journey, they’re faced with numerous challenges and adventures that test their strength and resolve.

The Possibility of Season 2

As of 2021, there has been no official announcement regarding the release of Land of The Lustrous Season 2. still, the first season was a critical and commercial success, which bodes well for the future of the series. The show’s profit was likely modest, but new seasons frequently make less money, which may make it delicate for the studio to justify producing a second season. The fact that the first season didn’t sell poorly increases the chances of a second season being produced.

When to Expect Land of The Lustrous Season 2

At the moment, there’s no official release date for Land of The Lustrous Season 2. Given the success of the first season, it’s likely that the studio will consider producing a second season. still, the release date isn’t expected to be any time soon. With the final season of Beastars being animated by Studio Orange in 2022, it’s likely that they will either work on Season 2 of Land of the Lustrous or start a new series that they believe will be more profitable.


In conclusion, the future of Land of The Lustrous Season 2 remains uncertain. The first season was a critical and commercial success, which increases the chances of a second season being produced. still, the release date isn’t expected to be any time soon, and we may not learn about the fate of the series until 2023. nonetheless, fans of the series remain hopeful that the series will continue, and that they will get to see further the stunning illustrations, complex plot, and well-developed characters that made the first season a masterpiece.


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