Kitty0706 Cause of Death: Remembering the Beloved YouTube Animator

Who was Kitty0706?

Kitty0706 was the online alias of Colin Charles Wyckoff, an American YouTube animator who made funny videos using video games such as Garry’s Mod and Team Fortress 2. He was born on July 6, 1994 in Lakewood, New Jersey, and had an older brother. He started his YouTube channel in 2007, initially to bypass age-restricted videos, but later began uploading his own animations. He described himself as a cartoonist, voice actor, video creator, gamer, and animator.

What made him famous?

Kitty0706 gained popularity for his series of machinimas, which are videos created using video game engines and assets. Some of his most famous series were “Team Fortress 2: Moments with Heavy”, which featured the hilarious adventures of the Heavy character from Team Fortress 2, and “Elliot Goes to School”, which starred himself as a Garry’s Mod character going through high school with his obnoxious friends and teachers. He also made standalone videos such as “Left 4 Farts”, a parody of the zombie game Left 4 Dead, and “Team Fabulous 2”, a chaotic and absurd depiction of a Team Fortress 2 server. His videos were known for their random humor, fast-paced editing, and creative use of sound effects and music.

How did he die?

Kitty0706 was diagnosed with leukemia, a type of blood cancer, in 2013. He underwent chemotherapy and received a bone marrow transplant from his brother. He announced his condition to his fans in a video titled “A Message to All of You” in October 2013, where he thanked them for their support and assured them that he would continue making videos. However, his health deteriorated over time and he suffered from complications such as infections and organ failure. He passed away on January 25, 2015, at the age of 20. His death was confirmed by his family and friends on social media and YouTube.

How did his fans react?

Kitty0706’s death was met with shock and sadness by his fans and fellow YouTube animators. Many of them paid tribute to him by making videos, artworks, and messages in his honor. Some of his fans also organized a memorial service in Garry’s Mod, where they gathered in a virtual cemetery and played his videos on a big screen. His videos have been preserved on his YouTube channel, which has over 500,000 subscribers and over 100 million views as of 2024. His legacy lives on in the hearts and minds of his fans, who remember him as a talented, funny, and inspiring animator.

Doms Desk

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