The question of how Jesus is related to Enki may seem strange or even blasphemous to some Christians, but it is actually a fascinating topic that reveals a hidden connection between the biblical god and an ancient Mesopotamian deity. Enki, also known as Ea by the Akkadians and Babylonians, was the Sumerian god of wisdom, intelligence, magic, water, healing, creation, and fertility. He was worshiped as the patron god of Eridu, the first city created by the gods according to Sumerian mythology. He was also associated with the star Canopus, the brightest star in the southern hemisphere.
Who is Enki?
Enki is one of the most important and complex gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon. He is the son of Anu, the sky god, and Nammu, the primordial sea goddess. He is the brother of Enlil, the god of wind and storms, and the father of many other gods and goddesses, such as Marduk, Ninhursag, Ninsun, Ninurta, Nergal, and Dumuzi. He is also the creator of humanity from clay and blood, and the protector of human civilization from natural disasters and divine wrath.
Enki is depicted as a bearded man wearing a horned cap and a long robe. He often holds a scepter or a staff with two streams of water flowing from it, symbolizing his power over fresh water sources such as rivers, wells, and springs. He also carries a goat-fish or a turtle on his shoulder, representing his connection to aquatic life. His main symbols are the fish and the goat.
Enki is known for his wisdom, intelligence, cunning, and magic. He is the master of arts and crafts, sciences and technologies, languages and writing systems. He is also skilled in healing and medicine, as well as in sorcery and witchcraft. He can create or destroy anything with his words or deeds. He is often involved in various adventures and conflicts with other gods or demons, sometimes helping them and sometimes tricking them.
Enki is also a benevolent and compassionate god who cares for humanity and defends them from harm. He teaches them various skills and knowledge to improve their lives. He also saves them from floods, famines, plagues, wars, and other calamities caused by Enlil or other angry gods. He even intervenes in their favor when they are judged by Anu or the Anunnaki (the council of gods). He is regarded as a friend and father by humans who pray to him for guidance and protection.
How is Jesus Related to Enki?
The idea that Jesus is related to Enki may sound outrageous or absurd to some people who believe that Jesus is the only son of God and that there is no other god besides him. However, there are some scholars who have argued that the biblical god (both as Yahweh in the Old Testament and as Jesus in the New Testament) is actually a form or a manifestation of Enki/Ea. They base their argument on several similarities between the theological traditions of these two deities, such as:
– Divine names: The name Yahweh (or Jehovah) may be derived from Ea (or Ia), which is one of Enki’s names in Akkadian. The name Jesus (or Yeshua) may be derived from Eshu (or Ishu), which is one of Enki’s epithets in Sumerian meaning “lord of life” or “savior”.
– Divine functions: Both Enki/Ea and Yahweh/Jesus are associated with wisdom, intelligence, creation, water, healing, magic, salvation, judgment, mercy, love, etc.
– Divine values: Both Enki/Ea and Yahweh/Jesus are characterized by benevolence, compassion, justice,
– Divine character traits: Both Enki/Ea and Yahweh/Jesus are depicted as cunning,
– Literary themes: Both Enki/Ea and Yahweh/Jesus are involved in stories of creation,
– Mythic images: Both Enki/Ea and Yahweh/Jesus are symbolized by water,
– Ideologies: Both Enki/Ea and Yahweh/Jesus are worshipped by monotheists or monolatrists who believe that their god is superior or unique among other gods.
– Cultic forms: Both Enki/Ea and Yahweh/Jesus have temples,
– Socio-historical circumstances: Both Enki/Ea and Yahweh/Jesus have followers who are oppressed or exiled by foreign powers who worship other gods.
According to this theory,
The question of how Jesus is related to Enki is not a simple or straightforward one. It requires a careful and critical examination of the sources and evidence from both the biblical and the Mesopotamian traditions. It also requires an open and respectful attitude towards the possibility of cross-cultural influences and interactions between different religious systems. While some people may reject or dismiss this theory as heretical or irrelevant, others may find it intriguing or enlightening. In any case, it is a question that invites further research and discussion among scholars and seekers of truth.
According to Proven Way, a major argument in favor of the theory that the biblical god (both as a personified entity and as a figure in Jesus) is a manifestation of Enki/Ea is the striking similarity between their respective theological traditions, which includes divine names, functions, values, and character traits; literary themes; mythic images; ideologies; cultic forms; and socio-historical circumstances.