Fans of the fiery shonen anime Fire Force can rejoice as the third season of the series has been officially announced. The anime, based on the manga by Atsushi Ohkubo, follows the adventures of Shinra Kusakabe, a pyrokinetic who can ignite his feet with fire, and his comrades in the Special Fire Force Company 8, who fight against humans who turn into living infernos called Infernals.
The announcement was made by the anime’s official Twitter account, along with an image of Shinra posing after delivering one of his attacks. However, no release date or other details were revealed at the time.
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=====— TVアニメ『炎炎ノ消防隊』公式|壱ノ章、弐ノ章、好評配信中! (@FireForce_PR) May 5, 2023
The first two seasons of Fire Force aired in July 2019 and July 2020 respectively, and became one of the most popular anime shows on Amazon Prime Japan. The second season ended in December 2020, leaving fans eager for more. The manga, which started in 2015, also concluded in May 2022 with its 30th volume.
The third season will adapt the final arc of the manga, which involves Shinra and his allies facing off against the White-Clad, a cult that worships the Evangelist, a mysterious being who seeks to destroy the world with another Great Cataclysm. Shinra will also learn more about his past, his brother Sho, and his connection to Adolla, a parallel dimension where fire and life originate.
While fans are excited for the third season, they may have to wait a while before it comes out. The anime studio behind Fire Force, David Production, is currently working on another anime project called Undead Unluck, which is slated to premiere in 2023. Unless another studio takes over the production of Fire Force Season 3, it is unlikely that it will be released in 2023. Some fans have speculated that it may come out in 2024 at the earliest.
In the meantime, fans can enjoy other Fire Force-related content, such as a mobile game titled Fire Force: Enbu no Sho (Flame Dance), which was also announced on May 16, 2022. The game will feature a theme song by Mrs. Green Apple, who performed the first opening theme of the anime. The game’s release date and platform are yet to be announced.
Fire Force Season 3 will be the final chapter of Shinra’s fiery journey. Fans can look forward to seeing how he and his friends will save the world from the flames of destruction.