Death Note is a popular anime series based on the manga of the same name by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata. The series follows Light Yagami, a high school student who finds a supernatural notebook that allows him to kill anyone whose name he writes in it. He decides to use it to create a utopian world free of crime, but he is opposed by L, a mysterious detective who tries to catch him.
The anime series consists of 37 episodes that aired from October 2006 to June 2007 on Nippon TV in Japan and on various platforms worldwide. The series also spawned two TV specials, Death Note: Relight: Visions of a God and Death Note: Relight 2: L’s Successors, that recap the main events of the story with new scenes and perspectives.
The series has been praised for its complex plot, psychological themes, moral dilemmas, and thrilling suspense. It has also been criticized for its controversial depiction of violence, justice, and morality. The series has a large fan base and has influenced many other works of fiction.
However, since the anime series ended in 2007, there has been no official announcement of a third season or a sequel. The manga series also concluded in 2006 with 12 volumes and an epilogue chapter. The only new material related to Death Note that has been released since then are two live-action films in 2016 and 2017, a Netflix adaptation in 2017, a musical in 2015 and 2017, and a one-shot chapter in 2020.
The one-shot chapter, which was published in Jump SQ magazine in February 2020, features a new story set after the events of the original manga. It introduces a new character named Minoru Tanaka, who becomes the owner of the Death Note after Ryuk, the shinigami who gave it to Light, decides to drop it again in the human world. The chapter explores how the world has changed since Kira’s reign and how Minoru uses the Death Note in a different way than Light.
The one-shot chapter has sparked some speculation among fans that there could be a possibility of a third season or a sequel based on it. However, there has been no official confirmation or indication from the creators or the producers that they are planning to continue the story. It is possible that the one-shot chapter was just a one-time project to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the manga’s serialization.
Therefore, as of now, there is no evidence that there will be a Death Note season 3 or a sequel. However, fans can still enjoy the existing material and hope that someday they will get to see more of their favorite characters and their twisted games of cat and mouse.