Amber Heard may face JAIL TIME if this New Evidence by Johnny Depp is True

The Amber Heard and Johnny Depp case have been getting delayed for quite a time now. The fans out there are really curious to know the actual truth behind the tale. There is a new bodycam footage that can actually prove that whatever Amber said earlier is absolutely false! Well, we still don’t know how much of that is true. But I’m sure you are curious to know the root cause of the whole case. Stay tuned with us as we unfold the truth of Amber Heard and Johnny Depp’s case!

The Fight Which Broke The Couple Forever!

The case of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has been going on in the court for a while now. There have been trials and delayed trials but the actual truth still ceases to come out. Currently, Johnny Depp has supposedly found something crucial for his case. The man might have a chance to prove Amber’s statement and claims absolutely false.

All of the fuss started out in the year 2016 particularly in the month of May and is still stretching till date. The couple had a huge fight which eventually dismantled their marriage. Not much time before, the couple decided to get married. After the fight, the pair decided to call for divorce which ultimately will end their 18 months old marriage.

According to reports, Amber has claimed of being physically abused by Johnny Depp. Even Amber’s friend has been a witness to this claim of Amber. The updates say Johnny lashed out at Amber and slammed his phone very badly on her wife’s face. Amber even had made a social media post along with her face photo on this matter. Not only that, but Johnny Depp has even been very violent with her wife. Reports say, Depp, has broken down the kitchen of their penthouse. The case has been on hold for quite some time now, but Johnny Depp’s new evidence might prove all of Amber’s claims false. Will the case turn the other way round?

Will The New Evidence Of Johnny Depp Prove Amber’s Claim False?

Amber and her friends have reportedly given many different statements relating to the fight accident which happened between Amber and Johnny. All of the statements include the haphazard state of the goods present in the penthouse. Some of which include spilling of red wine over the carpet, broken pieces of glass on the floor, etc. But the statement made by them contradicted the one made by the police officers who viewed the “crime scene” In Los Angeles.

Two times the police have visited the penthouse but both times the officers said there hasn’t been any damage caused in the house. This brings us to the big question of the 5-year-old tale. Did the accusations made by Amber and Amber’s friends are even true?

On the other hand, Johnny Depp’s attorney Adam Waldman is strongly suggesting the new bodycam videos found will prove Amber’s allegations on Depp, all wrong. The case hearings are still on hold. We hope the actual culprit gets behind the bar. Though if Depp’s footage proves Amber’s statement wrong, then she might be facing a tough time in the future. The two will now be seen fighting for the case next, in Fairfax County, Virginia. The hearing for this is made somewhere around next year, 2022.


Soubick Das

A die-hard fan of anime and TV shows. I've been captivated by the vivid storytelling and diverse characters that both mediums have to offer since my early years, and my enthusiasm has only grown stronger over time.

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